
The serpent of sorrow struck and the sublime one departed

أفعى الأسى طرقت وغاب الراقي

1. The serpent of sorrow struck and the sublime one departed
So I am the bitten one and my tears are my shield

١. أفعى الأسى طرقت وغابَ الراقي
فأنا اللديغُ وأدمعي درياقي

2. It persisted in coiling though it was not small
Until its venom moistened my innermost being

٢. باتت تساورُ وهي غير ضئيلةٍ
حتَّى رشحن بسمِّها آماقي

3. My soul did not find rest after you, even for a night
It struck me with the clubs of the litters

٣. لا راقَ نفسي العيشُ بعدك ليلةً
ضربت عليَّ بأسدف الأرواقِ

4. It made me childless, oh your bereavement before it
Joys dearer to me than my eyelids

٤. أثكلتنيها يا ثكلتك قبلها
غرراً أعزّ عليَّ من أحداقي

5. So it brought back to me in the loss of the sweetest vein
In glory, the loss of the good veins

٥. فأعدت لي في فقدِ أطيب معرقٍ
في المجدِ مفقدَ طيِّب الأعراقِ

6. Gone are days that fluttered with passion
Among them with the guide of coolness, thinness

٦. ذهبا بأيامٍ خطرت مع الهوى
منها بمعلمة البرود رقاقِ

7. A time I wore its silk and enjoyed its softness
From a new and shining whiteness, not morals

٧. زمناً لبستُ حريرها ونضوتها
عن جدَّةٍ وأبيكَ لا الأخلاقِ

8. So I will lament today the goodness of its covenant
And cry over the elite of the lofty

٨. فلأندبن اليوم صالحَ عهدها
ولأبكين نفائسَ الأعلاقِ

9. And I will milk from sorrows my sunken eye
A tear like the outpouring of slippery snakes

٩. ولأحلبنَّ من الشجون حشاشتي
دمعاً كمندفق الحيا المهراقِ

10. My tear and my nature together
With the elegies of Al-Khansa' not Isaac

١٠. أمرقصاً دمعي وأخلاقي معاً
بنشائد الخنساء لا إسحاق

11. It tore apart the associations of my ribs
Indeed greatness has given notice of departure

١١. فرِّق بأقتلها مجامعَ أضلعي
إنَّ المكارم آذنتْ بفراقِ

12. It killed a sorrow, had it not existed
The time would have killed its progeny completely

١٢. قتلت أسًى لأغرَّ لولا وجودُه
قتل الزمان بنيه من إملاقِ

13. So remove your obituary in the land, the life of the land
For death has departed with your final grasp

١٣. فأزلْ بنعيك في الورى رمق الورى
فالموتُ زال بممسك الإرماقِ

14. This is Abu Hasan who rode his escort alone
But with a bier without camel litters

١٤. هذا أبو حسن استقلَّ مشيّعاً
لكن بنعشٍ لا متون عتاقِ

15. And behind his coffin walked the Hashimites
Overcome, humbled necks bowed down

١٥. ومشتْ وراءَ سريره من هاشمٍ
غلبُ الرقاق خواضعُ الأعناقِ

16. United in bashfulness, their hearts crumbled
To pieces from anguish

١٦. متماسكين من الحياءِ تهافتت
قطعاً قلوبُهم من الإقلاقِ

17. O you who with patience burdened your people
With a load of misery unbearable

١٧. يا راحلاً بالصبرِ حمَّل قومَه
عبئاً من الأرزاء غير مطاقِ

18. She went out wishing, if only all the Hashimites
Would go out while you remain for the glory of your people

١٨. خرجتْ تمنّى لو بهاشم كلّها
خرجت وأنتَ لمجد قومك باقي

19. If other than you were to ransom or protect
From the edge of the swords of death a protector

١٩. فلو افتدى بسواه غيرُك أو وقى
من حدِّ أسياف المنيَّة واقي

20. The virtuous would have protected you with what protected
With the loyalty of your pouring clemency

٢٠. لوقتْك من دمها العفاةُ بما وقى
بوفاء ماء سماحك الرقراقِ

21. And the Hashimites would have clouded without you
Until the horizons were blocked

٢١. ولغيَّمت بالنقعِ دونك هاشمٌ
حتَّى تسدَّ مطالع الآفاقِ

22. And she would have come to you clamoring with the swords and been sated
With the white flashing any flashing

٢٢. وأتتكَ ترعد بالصواهلِ واغتدت
بالبيضِ تبرقُ أيَّما إبراقِ

23. And she would have rained with blood that watered the thorns
From it with the most abundant downpour

٢٣. ولأمطرتْ بدمٍ سقت شوك القنا
منه بأغزر وابلٍ دفَّاقِ

24. And she would have contended for you against fate and its path
I am the one who tasted the flavor of my cup today

٢٤. ولقارعت عنك الردى وشعارها
أنا من أمرَّ اليوم طعمَ مذاقي

25. And she would have come to you, o pillar of her great ones
With death before you taken captive

٢٥. ولأقبلتْ بكَ يا عميدَ سراتها
والموت بين يديك رهنُ وثاقِ

26. And I suppose, such is your nature, generosity,
That you wish with absolute generosity

٢٦. وأظنُّ أنَّك والتكرّم شأنكم
كرماً تمنُّ عليه بالإطلاقِ

27. So hearts will return to them, seared by the hot coals
They did not remain burning

٢٧. فيردن أفئدةٌ لهنَّ لظى الجوى
لم تبقِ باقيةً على الإحراقِ

28. But you were called, and what nature would not
Answer the call of the compelling Creator

٢٨. لكن دُعيتَ وأيّ خلقٍ لم يكن
ليجيب دعوة قاهرٍ خلاّق

29. So fate took you willingly divorcing it
A world that renews a husband with divorce

٢٩. فمضى الردى بك راغباً بطلاقها
دنياً تجدُّ تبعلاً بطلاقِ

30. A beloved, and it is tedious, though
Many lovers are wearied by its tediousness

٣٠. معشوقةٌ وهي الملالُ وإنَّها
لعلى الملال كثيرةُ العشَّاقِ

31. Traveling by the hands that raised by raising you
The lofty minarets, keys to sustenance

٣١. سارٍ على أيدٍ رفعن برفعها
منك البنان مفاتح الأرزاقِ

32. They freed the nobility of their bondage
Thus joining slavery and liberation

٣٢. أعتقن من رقِّ الزمان كرامَه
فجمعن بين الرقِّ والإعتاقِ

33. And she bid farewell, having raised her camel litter
To the Most High, where are you with your heavy burden?

٣٣. ودعت وقد رفعت عقيرتها العُلى
الله أين بمثقل الأعناق

34. So despite my nose today, who lowered you in the dust
I used to raise above all others

٣٤. فبرغم أنفي اليوم حطَّك في الثرى
مَن كنت أرفعه على الأحداقِ

35. If I could lift you from the soil
I would place you between litters and high ground

٣٥. فلو استطعتُ عن التراب رفعته
بالوضع بين ترائبٍ وتراقي

36. Alas for the soil of that corpse in which
The morals of noble character were buried

٣٦. واهاً لتربة ذلك الجدث الذي
فيه دفنت مكارم الأخلاقِ

37. The dew of those fingers was sipped, leaving thirsty
The rod of hope, though it was dripping

٣٧. مصَّت ندى تلك البنان فأعطشت
عودَ الرجاء وكان ذا إيراقِ

38. Woe to the turns of fate below you in the land
Uncaring, without distinction or sympathy

٣٨. إيهاً صروف الدهر دونك في الورى اب
تدري بلا فرقٍ ولا إشفاقِ

39. The dust covers your tomb, so come out
Baring to the people your leg

٣٩. غطي التراب على قريعك وابرزي
في الناس كاشفةً لهم عن ساقِ

40. Destiny threw down the tree of knowledge, leaving it thirsty
So its heights complained of the dryness of the leg

٤٠. قدرٌ رمى شجر العلوم بمعطشٍ
فشكت أعاليه جفافَ الساقِ

41. It withered and was lost from hearts for one whose
Presence was an ocean while hearts were irrigation ducts

٤١. وذوى وزال عن القلوب لفقد مَن
قد كانَ بحراً والقلوبُ سواقي

42. Deprived of his blossoms and stolen from
His pursuers, his pages falling

٤٢. سُلبتْ نضارته وغودر عن يَدي
طلاّبه متساقطَ الأوراقِ

43. O you who descended the chambers of paradise, leaving
The pouring darkness in the depths

٤٣. يا نازلاً غرف الجنان وتاركَ ال
صبِّ المشوق بقاتم الأعماقِ

44. The prayer of your Lord came to you yearning
Forbidden for it is the yearning of the ardent lover

٤٤. وفدت عليك صلاةُ ربّك شائقاً
منعت إليه وفادةَ المشتاقِ

45. So go, your ascension to the Most High through Muhammad
Is enough, no sublime one ascends to it

٤٥. فاذهب وحسبُك للعُلى بمحمدٍ
فعلاه لا يرقى إليها الراقي

46. A resolve ascended you to the heaven of your superiority
Saying more sublime than Al-Buraq is my mount

٤٦. عرجت به لسماء فضلك همَّةٌ
قالت أجلُّ من البراق براقي

47. This one who inherited the knowledge of his prophecy
And from the imamate donned every litters

٤٧. هذا الذي ورث النبوَّة علمَها
ومن الإِمامة حلّ أيَّ رواقِ

48. And I say to one who hates him in his spite
Fall short, you cannot reach him by pursuit

٤٨. ولقد أقولُ لمن بغاه بضغنه
أقصرْ فلستَ تناله بلحاقِ

49. Wondrous, you hope to tame a master
Indeed hearts are tamed by gentle handling

٤٩. عجباً طمعت بمن يروضك عالماً
إنَّ القلوب تراضُ بالإرفاقِ

50. Do not come near this kinship, buzzing angrily
For kinship, its defensive wall is gentleness

٥٠. لا تقربنَّ الصلَّ نضنض مطرقاً
فالصلُّ سورته مع الإطراقِ

51. He and Hussein are both moons of the Most High
Among youths who are the stars of horizons

٥١. هو والحسينُ كلاهما قمرا عُلى
في فتيةٍ هم أنجم الآفاقِ

52. Seizing the stalks of resolve on the day of every race
They carried the wager with valor

٥٢. من كلِّ نهاض العزائم حائزٍ
قصبَ الرهان بيوم كلِّ سباقِ

53. The Most High asked for them in marriage and they
Made the good mention the best dowry

٥٣. خطبت لهم بكر العُلى وهمُ لها
جعلوا جميل الذكر خيرَ صداقِ

54. So they built with the best bride what guarded it
The turns of misfortunes from them with divorce

٥٤. فبنو بخيرِ عقيلةٍ ما راعها
صرفُ النوائب منهم بطلاقِ

55. Were it not for them, hearts would become like wads
Crazed by the misfortunes, meeting them with mouths agape

٥٥. لولاهم غدت القلوبُ كمضغةٍ
بلهى الخطوب تلاكُ بالأشداقِ

56. And the darkness of misery would have prevailed and the
Light of serenity would have been obscured by it

٥٦. ولأطبقت ظلمُ الرزيَّة واختفى
ضوءُ السلوِّ بذلك الإطباقِ

57. For they are the full moons that rose unequalled
In glory, not in blemish and brilliance

٥٧. فهم البدورُ تفاوتت بطلوعها
في المجد لا في التمِّ والإشراقِ

58. Glory rose over them saying, protected
Unattainable is your magnificent glory by pursuit

٥٨. المجدُ أطلعها وقالَ معوّذاً
لا نِيلَ باهرُ مجدكم بمحاقِ