
Good tidings of a newborn who brings joy to time,

بشرى بمولود به ابتهج الزمن

1. Good tidings of a newborn who brings joy to time,
And the virtuous women congratulate his beauty.

١. بشرى بمولودٍ به ابتهجَ الزمنْ
وغدت تهنِّي المكرمات به الحسنْ

2. The mother of glory gave birth to him pure white,
On earth, knowledge, not milk, nurtures him.

٢. ولدته أمُّ المجد أبلج طاهراً
في الأرض ترضعه المعارف لا اللبنْ

3. In him are signs from his father and grandfather,
Indicating his high rank will endure long.

٣. فيه مخائلُ من أبيه وجدِّه
يُخبرن أن سيطول عالية القنن

4. He will prosper to praise, the noblest winner,
And most trusted keeper of the treasure of glory.

٤. وسيغتدي للحمد أشرف كاسبٍ
وعلى كنوز المجد أكرم مؤتمن

5. A branch grown by the palm tree of generosity,
From which the chaste have picked much ripe fruit of grace.

٥. غصنٌ نمته دوحة الكرم التي
منها العفاةُ كم اجتنت ثمرَ المنن

6. The nobility enjoy its cool shade
Protecting them from the burning heat of ordeals.

٦. تتفيَّأ الأشرافُ باردَ ظلّها
لتقيهمُ من حرِّ هاجرة المحن

7. It suffices that the refined Hasan is a witness,
To his ancestor, with the news of the pride of Hasan.

٧. وكفاك بالحسن المهذَّب شاهداً
لقديمه بحديث مفخرة الحسن

8. He who filled time with good deeds,
With some of them every age lived.

٨. هذا الذي ملأ الزمان عوارفاً
بالبعض منها عاشَ كلُّ بني الزمن

9. If we do not direct our praise and eulogy
To Muhammad Hasan the doer, then to whom?

٩. إن لم نوجِّه مدحنا وثناءنا
لمحمد الحسن الفعال فقل لمن

10. He is a pearl of virtue adorning his idle time,
Had Allah not granted him honor beyond price.

١٠. هو عقدُ فضلٍ زانَ عاطل عصره
لو لم يهبه اللهُ عزَّ على الثمن

11. He'd be ransomed by whoever meets him, kissing his robe,
Seeking its cleanliness, though free of any stain.

١١. يفديه مَن تلقاه يرحض ثوبه
يبغي نظافته وفي العرض الدرَن

12. Though praise delights me, he
Is more delightful to a lover's eye than reed.

١٢. إن لذَّ لي فيه الثناءُ فإنَّه
لألذُّ في عين المحبِّ من الوسن

13. We pray to him, O King, with high endeavor,
Blessed is he whose birth aligned with your fortune.

١٣. ندعوهُ يا ملكاً بكاعبة العُلى
مَن سعدُ مولده بسعدكما اقترن

14. I rejoiced and sang praises when the herald announced:
"Muhammad Saleh was born of pious beauty."

١٤. طربت وقد غنَّى البشير مؤرِّخاً
ولدتْ محمد صالحاً تقوى حسن