
The rhymes' master has become submissive to you

أرب القوافي قد غدا لك مذعنا

1. The rhymes' master has become submissive to you
Through it, excellence's merit is gained and inherited

١. أربّ القوافي قد غدا لكَ مذعناً
بها محرزُ الفضل اكتساباً ووارثُهْ

2. If Al-Mutanabbi witnessed the wisdom
You spoke, he wouldn't doubt you revived it

٢. لو المتنبّي شاهد الحِكَم التي
نطقتَ بها ما شكَّ أنَّك باعثُهْ

3. They are the remaining good things, the finest
Poetry, but anything else is worthless

٣. هي الباقيات الصالحات أطايب ال
قريض ولكن ما سواها خبائثُهْ

4. It suffices you from it as a miracle, praising one
Whose miracles all prophets inherited

٤. فحسبُك منها معجزاً بمديحِ مَن
معاجزُ كلّ الأنبياء موارثُهْ

5. It became like Moses' staff, but with which
The sorcery of poetry came together and blew

٥. غدت كعصا موسى ولكنَّما بها
قد التقفا سحر القريض ونافثُهْ

6. Enough that among the nation of poetry it is a direction
To which old and new poems prayed

٦. كفى أنَّها في أمَّة الشعر قبلةٌ
إليها قديمُ النظم صلَّى وحادثُهْ