1. Your malady was once a plague upon the Law
But now your healing is the Law’s panacea
١. قد كان داؤُك للشريعة داءا
فالآنَ صار لها شفاك شفاءا
2. The hand of God has lifted both your ills away
And left our foes distraught without ideas
٢. نزعت يدُ الباري سقامكما معاً
وكستهُ شاغلةً به الأعداءا
3. With health He’s wiped the traces of disease from you
And cleared the face veiled by the envier’s smear
٣. مسحت غبارَ الداءِ منك بصحَّةٍ
كانت لوجه المكرُمات جلاءا
4. The eye of guidance smiled while the eye of envy
Complained with bloodshot rage and vitriol seared
٤. قرَّت بها عينُ الهداية وانثنت
عينُ الحواسد تشتكي الأقذاءا
5. Glad tidings to the wilderness the herald shouts
Of your regained health, O exalted seer!
٥. والمجدُ أعلنَ في البريَّةِ هاتفاً
بشرى بصحَّة من شفى العلياءا
6. Rejoice together now in bliss as you rejoiced
In thanks and bounties from the Healer here
٦. فاغدوا سواءً في السرور كما غدوا
في شكر نائله الجزيلِ سواءا
7. Let the party of true guidance joy for its sheikh
And let us revel in his blessings year on year
٧. فلتهنَ طائفةُ الهدى في شيخها
ولنستدم به بدوامه النعْماءا
8. The dwellers of the heavens looked to him with hope
And were delighted when next morn appeared
٨. فإليه أملاك السماءِ تطلَّعت
فأقرَّ أعينَها غداة تراءا
9. They gathered round as if their God had lifted off
All illness and affliction from his bier
٩. وتباشرت حتَّى كأَنَّ إلهها
منها أزالَ ببُرئه الأدواءا
10. To give congratulations to Ja’far since he
Deserves all love and brotherhood and cheer
١٠. وتنزَّلت كيما تهنِّي جعفراً
وهو الجديرُ مودَّةً وإخاءا
11. Can water differ if you apportion it?
No more can I say one thing and another here
١١. لا قلتُ هذا غيرُ ذاك فهل ترى
ماءً تَغايرَ إن قسمت الماءا
12. He is the Ja’far of superlative grace sought by
True Law’s adherents for guidance and for revere
١٢. هو جعفر الفضلِ الذي أهلُ النهى
يَرِدون منه ويصدرونَ رُواءا
13. When dead wood is enlivened, he makes eloquent
The very rocks that cannot see or hear
١٣. وإذا رقى الأعوادَ أسمع ناطقاً
بالوعظ حتَّى الصخرةَ الصمَّاءا
14. The name of him perfumed good deeds with a fragrance
Enveloping the horizons far and near
١٤. ولقد سرى في الصالحات لذِكره
أرجٌ يطبقُ نشرهُ الأرجاءا
15. And his call invited you, as Muhammad prayed
To illuminate the gloomy darkness drear
١٥. وأطل دعاك له وناد محمدَ ال
حسنَ المجلِّي نورُه الظلماءا
16. O father of the Law! You are its patron who
Though fathers forget, tends its children dear
١٦. أأبا الشريعة أنت كافلها الذي
أنسى البنينَ ببرّه الآباءا
17. We all relied on you, but while we were its pupils
For it you were the shining lamp and seer
١٧. وبكم جميعاً أبصرت لكنَّهم
كانوا لها حُدَقاً وكنت ضياءا
18. You were prepared to keep our precincts safe although
No mighty warrior or hotheads were near
١٨. أنت المعدّ لحفظ حوزتنا التي
لم تحو سابغةً ولا عدَّاءا
19. What harm while you bear our standard aloft
If we brandish no weapons for foes to fear?
١٩. ماذا يضرُّ ومنكباك لواؤُنا
أن لا نهزَّ على العُدات لواءا
20. Your tongue’s the sword that took true guidance’ enemy
By napes that erred, all it wanted here
٢٠. ولسانك السيفُ الذي أخذ الهدى
بشباهُ من أعدائه ما شاءا
21. When you wrote with your hand, its lines would dress
The enemy’s chest in a ruddy smear
٢١. وإذا جرى قلمٌ بكفِّك خالَهُ
بحشاه خصمك صعدةً سمراءا
22. You raced ahead to the highest ranks, outstripping
All racers, leaving them behind in arrears
٢٢. ولقد جريتَ إلى المعالي سابقاً
حتَّى تركت السابقينَ وراءا
23. Forgive fate’s sins, for it has helped me and I’ve
Forgot griefs for its gifts throughout the years
٢٣. غفراً لذنب الدهر إنَّ له يداً
عندي نسيتُ لنفعها الضرَّاءا
24. Joy followed joy when it restored you to me
And doubled blessings banished all my tears
٢٤. جلبَ المسرَّة لي بإثر مسرَّةٍ
سبقت فضاعف عندي السرَّاءا
25. With the recovery of the elect Imam
And a wedding of refined, bright intellect
٢٥. بشفاء مُنتجبٍ وعرس مهذَّبٍ
بَهرَ البريَّةَ فطنةً وذَكاءا
26. That astounded all with its insight and brilliance
I was exultant though I could not be there
٢٦. إن غبتُ عن ذاك السرور فلم يكن
ليفوتني ما أطرَبَ الشعراءا
27. When I missed that joy it was no matter for
It did enrapture every poet’s intellect
٢٧. فبعرس عبد الله رونقُ عصرنا
في كلّ آونةٍ يزيدُ صفاءا
28. With Abdullah’s wedding our age was beautified
And in every moment its brilliance grew rare
٢٨. وبأيّما وقتٍ حضرتُ فإنَّه
للزهو وقت بالسعود أضاءا
29. Whene’er I come it is a time of glory
Lit up by fortunes making darkness spare
٢٩. فاهتف ودونكه لتهنئة العُلى
وشياً يفوق صناعةً صنعاءا
30. So proclaim and record it to congratulate
The exalted in a gift Sana’a can’t compare
٣٠. بشرى به عُرساً لأيّ ورشحٍ
بعُلى أبيه تجاوزَ الجوزاءا
31. Give good tidings! His wedding’s for one whose lofty
Father surpassed even al-Jawza’s flair
٣١. هو غصنُ مجدٍ ذو مخايل بَشّرت
أن سوف يُثمر سؤدداً وعلاءا
32. He is a branch of glory with inclinations that
Promised it will bear most excellent fruit rare
٣٢. لو أنَّ مَن نظمَ القريضَ بعرسه
نظم النجومَ لزادها لألاءا
33. If the one who versified his wedding versified
The stars too, their brilliance would multiply there
٣٣. سكرت به الدنيا ولكن لم تذق
إلاَّ خلائقَ جدِّه صهباءا
34. The world was intoxicated but only tasted
The exemplary morals of his forbears
٣٤. صفه وإخوتَه فكلٌّ منهم
في المجد أحرزَ عزَّةً قعساءا
35. Describe him and his brothers for each one
Has attained in glory esteem beyond compare
٣٥. أحيوا أباهم باقرَ العِلم الذي
قدماً أعاد ذوي النهى أحياءا
36. Give life to their father, Baqir, fount of knowledge
Who brought the Law’s adherents back to life from their biers
٣٦. متكافئين بفخره وجميعهم
ولدنهم أُمُّ العُلى أكفاءا
37. Matching his pride, all of them, and all are children
Of the greatest mother, equally filled with flair
٣٧. فلجدِّه البُشرى وأين كجدِّه
لا تطلبنَّ سوى ذُكاءِ ذُكاءا
38. For his grandsire glad tidings! And who but his grandsire
Seeks nothing but discerning talent rich and rare?
٣٨. وَليَهن فيه عمّه ذاكَ الذي
فاتت مزايا فضله الإِحصاءا
39. Let his uncle who attained such excellence
That his supreme traits cannot be reckoned, share in joy for him
٣٩. يا من إذا التفَّت عليه مجامعُ
الآراءِ فلَّ بعزمه الآراءا
40. O you! When the perspectives of all minds incline to you
You decide the perspectives with your powerful flair
٤٠. دُم للشريعة كي تدوم لنا فقد
جعل الإِلهُ لها بقاكَ بقاءا
41. Endure for the Law so you endure for us, for God
Has made your existence its enduring welfare
٤١. وأَقم على مرّ الزمان ممدَّحاً
تُحبى صباحاً بالسنى ومَساءا