
The constellations of generosity herald good tidings,

بشرى بروج الجود بشراها

1. The constellations of generosity herald good tidings,
Illuminating the horizons of glory with their full moons.

١. بشرى بروج الجود بشراها
ضاء بأُفق المجد بدراها

2. They have appeared in the sky of the Most High,
So congratulate their lantern on this happiness.

٢. وقد تجلَّت في سماء العُلى
فاهنأ بذا السعد سراجاها

3. The day of joy shone, when it began
To illuminate the heavens, unveiling them.

٣. شعَّ نهارُ السعد حين ابتدا
يضيءُ في الزورا فجلاّها

4. The world was adorned with its lights,
Rays that illuminate its beautiful face.

٤. واكتست الدنيا لأنواره
أشعةً تجلو محيَّاها

5. Then the clouds of misfortune disappeared, so it
Became joyful, its raindrops whitened.

٥. ثم دياجي النحس زالتْ فما
أسعدها وابيضَّ قطراها

6. Rather, today the breeze of good news made it forget
The tales of past youths that blew upon it.

٦. بل أنست اليوم حديث الصبا
نسمةُ بشرٍ هبَّ ريَّاها

7. So O maidens of distinction, you who yesterday
Were saddened by its meadows.

٧. فيا علمتنَّ بنات الفلا
مَن أمس أضناك بأرجاها

8. What face is there for a flower that is the
Son of the sun no matter how much its petals fade?

٨. وأيُّ وجهٍ لأغرٍّ هو اب
نُ الشمس مهما يزهُ خفَّاها

9. Above you a full moon rises behind the curtains of the stars,
Radiant, its path to you illuminated.

٩. فوقكِ مبدٍ خلف حُجب السرى
زاهي سناً طرقكِ ضوَّاها

10. For how often does a sapling bear fruit while
Its branches and stems are still tender?

١٠. إذ كم فرى بطنَ فلاً ماؤها
آلٌ وإعناقاً تخطَّاها

11. Until it reached the mother of cities,
Achieving through its singing what it achieved.

١١. لجدَّ حتَّى احتلَّ أمُّ القُرى
قد حازَ ما حازَ بمغناها

12. On the morning of its birth it was preserved
In a split second, and with it good fortune.

١٢. في شِقِّ نفسٍ وقت ميلاده
تقاهُ والطيب دثاراها

13. Satisfaction conceived the living satisfaction,
Exalting it in destiny and blessing it.

١٣. رِضى النهى أنجب حيَّ النهى
أشمخها قدراً وأحباها

14. And Mustafa is the sweetest with it,
Like his brother returning to bestow glory upon it.

١٤. ومصطفى أعظم به أطيبا
مثل أخيه عاد أبهاها

15. This one is the edge of honor, his humaneness,
And that one is the spirit of righteousness, its prosperity.

١٥. ذا هو طرفُ العزِّ إنسانه
وذاكَ راحُ البرِّ يمناها

16. The anticipation of the pilgrimage came upon it one year
Into their stay, receiving its prayers.

١٦. أتى ارتقاب الحجّ عاماً به
مكثهما تلقى مصلاّها

17. So I recorded it joyfully, marveling,
In verses that its vision has praised.

١٧. فأرّخنَّه فرحاً معجباً
في أشطرٍ أحمدت رؤياها

18. Flourishing, at the time of its inception.
Behold, inaugurate it in full bloom,

١٨. هاك التقِ البشرَ لها مطلعا
ناشٍ هناهُ وقت أنشاها

19. The constellations of generosity herald good tidings.

١٩. ألا اجلونها مزهراً وافتتحْ
بشرى بروج الجود بشراها