1. Say to those with swords and sword, are you not
The least of the sons of Saad in harvest and farm
١. قُل لذوي سيفٍ وسيف ألستُم
أقلَّ بني سعدٍ حصاداً ومزرعا
2. As though you made Dar's dwelling a standing place
Upon the excuses of the living you placed a seal
٢. كأنكم جعلانُ دارٍ مُقامةٍ
على عذرات الحيّ أصبحنَ وقّعا
3. Indeed the sword gained in Sijistan a defeat
That stretched over what was before only a finger
٣. لقد نالَ سيفُ في سجستان نُهزةً
تطاول منها فوق ما كان إصبعا
4. Asad poured the wine until he was intoxicated
For him a secret that quenches insatiable drinking
٤. أصباَ الزناد الخمرَ حتى لقد نَمَت
له سُرّةٌ تُسقى الشرابَ المشعشَعا
5. If not for the disgrace of wine you'd not taste it
Nor tip a flask with your palm being greedy
٥. فلولا هوانُ الخمر ما ذُقتَ طعمَها
ولا شُقنتَ إبريقاً بكفّك مترعا
6. Just as he did not taste it though noble
Your father and was not presented to him to covet
٦. كما لم يذقها أن تكون عزيزةً
أبوك ولم يُعرَض عليها فيطمعا
7. And was in place of the dog or behind him
When singers sang the pleasures he heard
٧. وكان مكان الكلب أو من ورائه
إذا ما المُغَنّى للذاذةِ أسمعا