
He struggles to stand but slumps down,

يهم ويعييه النهوض فيجثم

1. He struggles to stand but slumps down,
He resolves but his wings won't resolve.

١. يهم ويعييه النهوض فيجثم
ويعزم إلا ريشه ليس يعزم

2. The ant has shriveled on the ground,
The cat meows, though mute.

٢. لقد رنّق الصرصور وهو على الثرى
مُكبٌّ وقد صاح القطا وهو أبكم

3. He gathers his ancient humps as if
They were ribs breaking within him.

٣. يُلملم حدباء القدامى كأنها
أضالعُ في أرماسها تتهشم

4. He's burdened by his two wings after
They had carried him, storming ahead.

٤. ويثقله حمل الجناحين بعد ما
أقلاه وهو الكاسر المتقحم

5. Two wings - had they flown, they'd have hushed
The murmurs of bliss and he'd have finished gathering himself.

٥. جناحين لو طارا لنصت فدوّمت
شماريخُ رضوى واستقل يلملم

6. He watches the horizons like one who
Regrets the epoch of skies.

٦. ويلحظ أقطار السماء كأنه
رجيم على عهد السموات يندم

7. Sometimes he closes his eyes - has he seen
His ruin decreed or dreams of his past?

٧. ويغمض أحياناً فهل أبصر الردى
مقضاً عليه أم بماضيه يحلم

8. When the sun warms him he dozes, and imagines
It prey for him while he lurks.

٨. إذا أدفأته الشمس أغفى وربما
توهمها صيداً له وهو هيثم

9. Your eyes, old bird, are formidable -
Young birds flee from them in defeat.

٩. لعينيك يا شيخ الطيور مهابةٌ
يفر بغاث الطير عنها ويهزم

10. It wasn't morning that failed you, but
All youth has awe when time makes it old.

١٠. وما عجزت عنك الغداة وإنما
لكل شباب هيبة حين يهرم