1. She spent the night as she spent it, pregnant,
Having a small bag by the saddle cloth,
١. وبَاتَت كَمَا بَاتَت مَهَاهُ حَميلَةً
لَهَا جُؤذَرٌ عِنَدًَ الصَّرَاةِ عَقِيرُ
2. Her limbs were eaten away as if
She was divided at the drinking bowls.
٢. وقَد أُكِلَت أَشلاَؤُهُ فَكَأَنَّهَا
مُقَسَّمَةٌ عِندَ القِدَاحِ جَزُورُ
3. Like the weeping of a mother for her only child,
Her howl was like that of glass shards.
٣. كَمَا بَغَمَت مِن شَجوِهَا أُمُّ وَاحِدٍ
أُتِيحَ لَهَا مِثلَ الزُّجَاجِ طَرِيرُ
4. From dawn until the sun of her day set,
With a ringing and a pant in her eyes.
٤. لَدُن غُدوَةُ حَتَّى صَغَت شَمسُ يَومِهَا
وَفِي أبهَرَيهَا رَنَّةٌ وَزَفِيرُ
5. She pushes away his mane from the effort of his galloping,
As if the bloody wounds were a perfume pouch.
٥. تَسُوفُ ثَرَاهُ عَن مَشَقِّ إِهَابِهِ
كَأَنَّ أَسَابِيَّ الدِّمَاءِ عَتيرُ