1. We have found tears more healing than poultice for inflammation,
And we have seen abandonment closer than guidance to integrity.
١. قَد وَجدنَا الدَّمعَ أشفَى لِلكَمَد
وَرَأَينَا الغَيَّ أدنَى لِلرَّشَد
2. He who gave Abu Amir authority,
Kingdom, religion and victory over the oppressed,
٢. والَّذي أَعطَى أَبَا عَامِرٍ ال
مُلكَ والدِّينَ ونَصرَ المُضطَهَد
3. My eyes had never seen a sun before it
Rose in the horizon with the face of a lion.
٣. مَا رَأَت عَينَايَ شَمساً قَبلَهُ
طَلَعَت في الأُفقِ مِن وَجهِ أَسَد
4. He gathers the world in the palms of his opinion,
He gathered you in thousands in the necklace of number.
٤. يَجمَعُ الدُّنيَا بِكَفَّي رأيِهِ
جَمعَكَ الآلاَفَ في عَقدِ العَدَد
5. He asks the supplicant to ask him,
But when he grants him a kindness, he denies it.
٥. يَسأَلُ العَانيَ أَن يَسأَلَهُ
فَإِذَا أَولاَهُ مَعرُوفاً جَحَد