1. Perhaps if you settle somewhere, O love
Vengeful ones will return to you with livers bleeding
١. لعلَّ الهوى إنْ أنتَ حيَّيْتَ منزِلاً
بأكبادَ مُرتدٌّ عليكَ عقابِلُهْ
2. The fierce winds have erased it, moaning over pebbles
And the downpour of heavy rain and its floods
٢. محتْهُ الرياحُ الهُوجُ يَحْننَّ بالحصى
ونَوءُ الثريّا الجَودُ منهُ ووابلُهْ
3. Except for two cheeks furrowed by my tears
The lifeblood of every miserable wretch pouring down them
٣. عفا غيرَ أُخدودَيْنِ جَرَّ عليهِما
جدى كلِّ دَلْوِيٍّ تُجَنُّ أصائلُهْ
4. So when I asked the countryside where your tent was pitched
The living intended no reply and led the questioner astray
٤. فلمّا سألتُ الرَّبْعَ أينَ تيمَّمَتْ
نوى الحيّ لم ينطقْ وضُلِّلَ سائلُهْ
5. Whenever I heard that some wretched soul
Had wept for you or you had oppressed him
٥. وكنتُ إذا خُبِّرْتُ أنَّ مُكَلَّفاً
بكى أو تَعنّاهُ عِدادٌ يُماطلُهْ
6. I adorned the lover so that he wept
Until his darling ones took him away
٦. منَ الحُبِّ زَرَّفتُ المُحبَّ فقد بكا
فؤادي حتى أسلمتْهُ عواذلُهْ
7. As if my heart were a bird snared
Who saw his deceiver when the snares entangled him
٧. كأنَّ فؤادي طائرٌ في حِبالةٍ
رأى غيَّهُ لمّا اعْتفَتْهُ حبائلُهْ
8. One evening the living one turned away a young camel, decorating her
With a nose-rein - she left behind her nose-bag
٨. عشيّةَ رَدَّ الحيُّ بُزْلاً يَزِينُها
تمامٌ ونَيٌّ طارَ عنهُ خمائلُهْ
9. No part of her but was dusty-haired or white-blazed,
Prickly with thorn-bushes or cleft of hoof
٩. عقائلُ ما منهنَّ إلاّ عَدَبَّسٌ
ذرى شوكُهُ أو فاطرُ النابِ باقلُهْ
10. When the clan spent a night with her, their close friendship
Was destroyed by her terrors and calamities
١٠. ومرْتٍ إذا أمسى بهِ القومُ أعظمَتْ
مَخاقَتَهمْ أهوالُهُ وغوائلُهْ
11. I interpreted tokens concerning her and kept track of them
With the spying of a boy of two years - his observing was weak
١١. تأوّلتُ آياتٍ بهِ ورمَيْنَهُ
بمِردى سِفارٍ ابنُ عامَيْنِ بازلُهْ
12. With a neck curved like a ladle, the horsemen
competed for her, the most valiant of heart, ignorant
١٢. بأتلعَ فَعْمِ المنكبَيْنِ تقابلَتْ
عليهِ المهارى أروعُ القلبِ جاهلُهْ
13. When I said she belonged to a tribe, she turned aside
Until a horseman of Mikhy guided her back
١٣. إذا قلتُ جاهٍ لَجَّ حتى يرُدَّهُ
مِراسٌ ومكِيٌّ تأوَّبَ جادِلُهْ
14. As though I and my camel-litter were above a desolate valley
While the sides of her saddle-frame were breaking apart
١٤. كأنّي ورَحلي فوقَ جأبٍ خلا لهُ
وإلفَيْهِ جَنْبا صارةٍ فجُلاجِلُهْ
15. A pasture that denied both her and her leanness
So that they were nothing but brightly gleaming, deadly weapons
١٥. رِباعٍ نفى عنها وعنهُ جِحاشَها
فما هنَّ إلاّ مُلْمِعاتٍ قَتائلُهْ
16. For months of dew, until a companion came to her
And her eyes glanced at him sharply
١٦. شهورَ الندى حتى إذا هاجَ ناصلٌ
عليهِ ورامَتْهُ بصُرْمِ حَلائلُهْ
17. Next day she was speeding after wild donkeys
By evening they had turned her back, defeated
١٧. غدا في ثلاثٍ مُرْبِعاً لاحقَ الحشا
إذا هو أمسى راجعَتْهُ أفاكِلُهْ
18. She remained standing still among Nu'ayr's hills
Like a people in fear with cowardly hearts
١٨. فظلَّ بآرامَ النُّوَيْرِ كأنّهُ
رَبِيئةُ قومٍ خائفُ القلبِ واجلُهْ
19. When she saw the wing of night spreading
She did what she did - and it was up to her
١٩. فلمّا رأيْنَ الليلَ جِنْحاً وقدْ بدا
لها ولهُ الأمرُ الذي هو فاعلُهْ
20. She made for the tents of Rawiya's clan
Where a brother of Bayd had a firm character
٢٠. تيمَّمَ عَيناً من أُثالَ رَوِيّةً
عليها أخو بِيدٍ شديدٍ خصائلُهْ
21. He covered them at mating time and when he withdrew
From them, the clattering tent-poles moaned
٢١. يُعَشِّرُ في تَقريبِهِ وإذا انتحى
عليهنَّ من قُفٍّ أرنَتْ جَنادلُهْ
22. They kindled the fires of lovemaking and the sparks flew
Between them, while the cooking-pots boiled over
٢٢. وأوقدْنَ نيرانَ الحُباحِبِ والتقى
حصىً يتراقى بينهنَّ ولاوِلُهْ
23. When they said "No more!" he said "Yes!" and the branding irons flashed
"Indeed," while he was confused by the open spaces and dunes
٢٣. إذا قلنَ كلاّ قالَ والنَّقْعُ ساطعٌ
بلى وهْوَ واهٍ بالجِراءِ أباجلُهْ
24. And when he made it easy, they extracted a branding
As though it were tufts of flax their awls plucked out
٢٤. وإنْ أسهلَ اسْتَتْلَيْنَ نَقعاً كأنّهُ
شَماطيطُ كتّانٍ تطيرُ رَعابلُهْ
25. He brought her when night was halfway gone, after
Fervent passion had induced in her what her ragings could not
٢٥. فأوردَها والليلُ نَصفانُ بعدَما
علاها حميمٌ ما رعَتْهُ شُلاشِلُهْ
26. She could see the stars of night in her as though they were
Lamps being fueled in a prayer-niche and its candles lit
٢٦. يرَيْنَ نجومَ الليلِ فيها كأنّها
مصابيحُ مِحرابٍ تُذَكّى قنادلُهْ
27. On her nearer side which no spear-thrust reached
But hot-brandings, blue, opposite each other
٢٧. وفي الجانبِ الأدنى الذي ليس ضربةً
برمحٍ بلى حَرّانُ زُرقٌ مَعابلُهْ
28. Aiming with a branding-iron which, when he moved
His fingers, gave out a humming sound
٢٨. مُطِلٌّ بمَنحاةٍ لهُ في شِمالِهِ
رَنينٌ إذا ما حرَّكتْها أناملُهْ
29. They guided the halters and moved the fore-arms
Toward them, seizing the occasion of mating eagerly
٢٩. فَصَوَّبْنَ أعناناً وأدنَيْنَ أذرُعاً
إليهنَّ والجَرْع انتهازاً تُداخلُهْ
30. The side of his ear touched her spine
And the lower part of his throat met her deadly blows
٣٠. رمى العَيرُ أذْناهُ على الفُقْرةِ التي
تَليهِ وأدنى النَّجْبِ منهُ مَقاتلُهْ
31. It passed by the two elbows and he warded it
Off from his belly, if he did not meet sudden death
٣١. فمَرَّ تُحَيْتَ المَرفقَيْنِ وصدَّهُ
عنِ الجَوفِ إنْ لمْ يلقَ حتفاً يُعاجلُهْ
32. Oh what a mistake! What a going astray!
What strength to wrench bones and shed their joints!
٣٢. فيا لكَ إخطاءً ويا لكَ جَولةً
ويا لكَ شدّاً يَعْبِطُ الأكْمَ وابِلُهْ
33. As a wild ass charged down on a reddish camel, sniffing her urine,
While the voice of a fool harangued him to release her
٣٣. كما انقضَّ دَرِيٌّ على مُتَعَفْرِتٍ
رجيمٍ تَدرَّى وحيَ سمعٍ يُخائلُهْ
34. Or was it the slavering desire, having an opportunity,
For him - with his neck twisted and his forelock dishevelled?
٣٤. أذلكَ أمْ ذَبُّ الرِّيادِ خلا لهُ
لوىً وكثيبٌ مُزْبَئِرٌّ خمائلُهْ
35. He pastured on dangerous places alone, as though he were
A polished sword that had cast off the sheathings of its blade
٣٥. رعى الخَطراتِ الحُوَّ فرْداً كأنّهُ
حسامٌ جلا أطباعَ مَتْنَيْهِ صاقِلُهْ
36. Days of tranquility corrupted him from gentle ways -
He contended with his shadow in them and his thoughts strayed
٣٦. طَباهُ عنِ الأُلاّفِ أيامُ سَلوةٍ
يُناطحُ فيها ظِلَّهُ ويُخائِلُهْ
37. When a small blow from her assailed him, though he did not know
Where it came from, a friend brought him her wind, joined to him
٣٧. إذا رَيْدَةٌ من حيثُ ما نفحَتْ لهُ
أتاهُ برَيّاها خليلٌ يُواصلُهْ
38. Next morning the dew was streaming from him as though
He were the single stallion who had lost the progeny of his ancestor
٣٨. غدا والندى يَنصبُّ عنهُ كأنّهُ
فريدُ العذارى ضيَّعَ السِّلْكَ ناصِلُهْ