
They are embers that people do not kindle their fire,

وهم جمرة لا يصطلي الناس نارهم

1. They are embers that people do not kindle their fire,
Lit to never be extinguished by the turns of fate.

١. وهم جمرة لا يصطلي الناس نارهم
توقد لا تطفا لريب النوائبُ

2. We have embers unlike any people have,
Three who have been tested by every trial.

٢. لنا جَمَراتٌ ليس للناس مثلهم
ثَلاَثٌ فَقَدْ جُرِّبْنَ كلّ التَّجاربِ

3. Numayr and 'Abs whose falcons are feared,
And Dhabbah, a people whose might is no lie.

٣. نُمَيْرٌ وعَبْسٌ تُتَّقَى صَقرَاتُهَا
وضَبّةُ قَوْمٌ بَأْسُهُمْ غَيْرُ كاذِبِ

4. To each people we have come with an ember
With a thick neck and strong shoulders.

٤. إلى كلِّ قومٍ قَدْ دَلَفْنَا بجَمْرَةٍ
لها عارضٌ جَونٌ قَويُّ المناكبِ