1. The camels of Umm 'Amr have become lean after a fertile season,
And the returning camels are distressed, with Sidr trees and salty grasslands,
١. أَصبَحَ مِن أُمِّ عَمروٍ بَطنُ مَرَّ فَأَج
زاعُ الرَجيعِ فَذو سِدرٍ فَأَملاحُ
2. While the beasts are safe, the wolf packs prowl them
As if the people's tobacco were untended and withered.
٢. وَحشاً سِوى أَنَّ فُرّادَ السِباعِ بِها
كَأَنَّها مِن تَبَغّى الناسِ أَطلاحُ
3. Shall I show you the live cargo heading out
Like palm trees adorned with soft fruit and clusters?
٣. يا هَل أُريكَ حُمولَ الحَيِّ غادِيَةً
كَالنَخلِ زَيَّنَهُ يَنعٌ وَإِفضاحُ
4. The camels of Ruhat descended and girded up as though
The water-drawers were irrigating the palm trunks.
٤. هَبَطنَ بَطنَ رُهاطٍ وَاِعتَصَبنَ كَما
يَسقي الجُذوعَ خِلالَ الدورِ نَضّاحُ
5. Then they drank at Nabat while the camels appeared
As if the dripping from them at the watering troughs were crocodiles.
٥. ثُم شَرِبنَ بِنَبطٍ والجِمالُ كَأَن
نَ الرَشحَ منهُنَّ بِالآباطِ أَمساحُ
6. Then my sight lost them as they reached
The outskirts of the encampment, and they cried "Let's rest!" or went on.
٦. ثُمَّ اِنتَهى بَصَري عَنهُم وَقَد بَلَغوا
بَطنَ المَخيمِ فَقالوا الجَوَّ أَو راحوا
7. Unless you are does whose tents are built,
For you are the adornment of travel, ever erect.
٧. إِلّا تَكُن ظُعُناً تُبنى هَوادِجُها
فَإِنَّهُنَّ حِسانُ الزِيِّ أَجلاحُ
8. Among them is the mother of the two boys who
Has captivated my heart, so I cannot succeed while she lives.
٨. فيهِنَّ أُمُّ الصَبِيَّينِ الَّتي تَبَلَت
قَلبي فَلَيسَ لَها ما عِشتُ إِنجاحُ
9. She is like a lovely doll decorated with
Jewelry, scent and fine clothes.
٩. كَأَنَّها كاعِبٌ حَسناءُ زَخرَفَها
حَليٌ وَأَترَفَها طُعمٌ وَإِصلاحُ
10. From you is lightning whose night I stay awake watching
As if it were a lamp in the meadows of Syria,
١٠. أَمِنكِ بَرقٌ أَبيتُ اللَيلَ أَرقُبُهُ
كَأَنَّهُ في عِراضِ الشامِ مِصباحُ
11. With thunder crashing like the zeal of a stallion pursued
By docile, bleating ewes.
١١. يَجُشُّ رَعداً كَهَدرِ الفَحلِ تَتبَعُهُ
أُدمٌ تَعَطَّفُ حَولَ الفَحلِ ضَحضاحُ
12. So they bristle at the stallion's zeal yet
No arousal or seminal emission comes over them.
١٢. فَهُنَّ صُعرٌ إِلى هَدرِ الفَنيقِ وَلَم
يَحفِز وَلَم يُسلِهِ عَنهُنَّ إِلقاحُ
13. By them passed a swarming, murky bird
Bearing gazelles and ostriches in its wings.
١٣. فَمَرَّ بِالطَيرِ مِنهُ فاعِمٌ كَدِرٌ
فيهِ الظِباءُ وَفيهِ العُصمُ أَجناحُ
14. Had they not recoiled from the stench it would have destroyed them
As the stench of the west wind destroys the cisterns.
١٤. لَولا تَنَكُّبُهُنَّ الوَعثَ دَمَّرَها
كَما تَنَكَّبَ غَربَ البِئرِ مَتّاحُ
15. This while the bare hillock sheltering me
Is hot, sun-scorched, yet cooling for the sun.
١٥. هذا وَمَرقَبَةٍ عَيطاءَ قُلَّتُها
شَمّاءُ ضاحِيَةٌ لِلشَمسِ قِرواحُ
16. I remained in it with disheveled companions who,
When the sparks of war flare up, are like spears.
١٦. قَد ظَلتُ فيها مَعي شُعثٌ كَأَنَّهُمُ
إِذا يُشَبُّ سَعيرُ الحَربِ أَرماحُ
17. A brother finds no shade sharing her shelter
From the poisonous heat of summer, completely withered.
١٧. لا يَستَظِلُّ أَخوها وَهُوَ مُعتَجِرٌ
لِرَيدِها مِن سَمومِ الصَيفِ مُلتاحُ