1. The one who told you about Asma's meadows
Of what happened between us the day her camel-litter departed
١. أَبِالصُرمِ مِن أَسماءَ حَدَّثَكَ الَّذي
جَرى بَينَنا يَومَ اِستَقَلَّت رِكابُها
2. You scolded her for the birds of Saneh though if
Your passion which you love strikes you, avoiding it profits you naught
٢. زَجَرتَ لَها طَيرَ السَنيحِ فَإِن تُصِب
هَواكَ الَّذي تَهوى يُصِبكَ اِجتِنابُها
3. I have considered her circumstances and wanted her
For years but I fear her husband or her shyness
٣. وَقَد طُفتُ مِن أَحوالِها وَأَرَدتُها
سِنينَ فَأَخشى بَعلَها أَو أَهابُها
4. For three years but when she trespassed against us
With disdain and her youth turned grey
٤. ثَلاثَةَ أَعوامٍ فَلَمّا تَجَرَّمَت
عَلَينا بِهونٍ وَاِستَحارَ شَبابُها
5. My heart disobeyed me regarding her, truly I am
Attentive to its command though I know not if its seeking profits it
٥. عَصاني إِلَيها القَلبُ إِنّي لِأَمرِهِ
سَميعٌ فَما أَدري أَرُشدٌ طِلابُها
6. So I said to my heart: good for you, it only
Leads you to the new death, her love
٦. فَقُلتُ لِقَلبي يا لَكَ الخَيرُ إِنَّما
يُدَلّيكَ لِلمَوتِ الجَديدِ حِبابُها
7. So the scent of Damascus did not come as a prisoner
It has a goal that guides the generous to reward
٧. فَما الراحُ راحُ الشامِ جاءَت سَبِيَّةً
لَها غايَةٌ تَهدي الكِرامَ عُقابُها
8. The juice of the twigs is no deception
Nor vain talk that scalds the drinkers, its flames
٨. عُقارُ كَماءِ النِىءِ لَيسَت بِخَمطَةٍ
وَلا خَلَّةٍ يَكوي الشُروبَ شِهابُها
9. It befriends travelers at times and brings together
Neighbors and covers them with the security of its calm
٩. تَوَصَّلُ بِالرُكبانِ حيناً وَتُؤلِفُ ال
جِوارَ وَيُغشيها الأَمانَ رِبابُها
10. So it remained among the people until it was distinguished
As Thaqif with the bleating of goats, its tents
١٠. فَما بَرِحَت في الناسِ حَتّى تَبَيَّنَت
ثَقيفاً بِزَيزاءِ الأَشاةِ قِبابُها
11. The sons of the house of Mu'tib circled it
And preventing its sale and seizing it was difficult for them
١١. فَطافَ بِها أَبناءُ آلِ مُعَتِّبٍ
وَعَزَّ عَلَيهِم بَيعُها وَاِغتِصابُها
12. When they saw that she had outwitted them and it was not
Permissible for them to coerce her and overpower her
١٢. فَلَمّا رَأَوا أَن أَحكَمَتهُم وَلَم يَكُن
يَحِلُّ لَهُم إِكراهُها وَغِلابُها
13. They came to her with a profitable offer which she attempted so she became
On sale having been untied and her drink accessible
١٣. أَتَوها بِرِبحٍ حاوَلَتهُ فَأًصبَحَت
تُكَفَّتُ قَد حَلَّت وَساغَ شَرابُها
14. To the one who inclines to every setting
When the folds of the sun turn yellow, the time of its departure
١٤. بِأَريِ الَّتي تَهوي إِلى كُلِّ مُغرِبٍ
إِذا اِصفَرَّ ليطُ الشَمسِ حانَ اِنقِلابُها
15. To the one whose hand the buzzards desire, she became
Lofty, beneath the sky her peak
١٥. بِأَريِ الِّتي تَأرِيِ اليَعاسيبُ أَصبَحَت
إِلى شاهِقٍ دونَ السَماءِ ذُؤابُها
16. Its sentries desire the heights persistently
And swoop down as burning flames on its cliffs
١٦. جَوارِسُها تَأرِيِ الشُعوفَ دَوائِباً
وَتَنقَضُّ أَلهاباً مَصيفاً شِعابُها
17. When she rises in it, the amount of her departure increases
Like the flow of torrents, the sound of its pouring swelling
١٧. إِذا نَهَضَت فيهِ تَصَعَّدَ نَفرَها
كَقِترِ الغِلاءِ مُستَدِرّاً صِيابُها
18. Some of its sentries shade the fertile land
Nursing the plump-feathered young, necks bent, their collars
١٨. تَظَلُّ عَلى الثَمراءِ مِنها جَوارِسٌ
مَراضيعُ صُهبُ الريشِ زُغبٌ رِقابُها
19. So when Al-Khalidi saw her like
Pebbles thrown forcefully, dodging on its own, its return
١٩. فَلَمّا رَآها الخالِدِيُّ كَأَنَّها
حَصى الخَذفِ تَكبو مُستَقِلّاً إِيابُها
20. He was adamant about her and knew that
Either she or another, the dust is her soil
٢٠. أَجَدَّ بِها أَمراً وَأَيقَنَ أَنَّهُ
لَها أَو لِأُخرى كَالطَحينِ تُرابُها
21. So it was said: "Avoid her, unlawful is the sight of her
Revealing her is manifest, her display and standing tall"
٢١. فَقيلَ تَجَنَّبها حَرامُ وَراقَهُ
ذُراها مُبيناً عَرضُها وَاِنتِصابُها
22. But he hung the causes of death and was content
With his ruin if the pulling away of her robes did not fail him
٢٢. فَأَعلَقَ أَسبابَ المَنِيَّةِ وَاِرتَضى
ثُقوفَتَهُ إِن لَم يَخُنهُ اِنقِضابُها
23. He crept up on her between censure and sin
In tattered clothes like the falcon swooping down
٢٣. تَدَلّى عَلَيها بَينَ سِبٍّ وَخَيطَةٍ
بِجَرداءَ مِثلِ الوَكفِ يَكبو غُرابُها
24. So when he confronted her with solicitation she withdrew
In stillness, her humiliation and gloom upon her
٢٤. فَلَمّا اِجتَلاها بِالإِيامِ تَحَيَّزَت
ثُباتٍ عَلَيها ذُلُّها وَاِكتِئابُها
25. So perfume the morning breeze with parting, and here is
A gray-feathered thing, and it is her gray hair
٢٥. فَأَطيِب بِراحِ الشَأمِ صِرفاً وَهذِهِ
مُعَتَّقَةً صَهباءَ وَهِيَ شِيابُها
26. They were not together in a glistening parchment
New, recent, carved by him and shortened
٢٦. فَما إِن هُما في صَحيفَةٍ بارِقِيَّةٍ
جَديدٍ حَديثٍ نَحتُها وَاِقتِضابُها
27. With something better than it, if you come by night
And her clothes turn to you
٢٧. بِأَطيَبَ مِن فيها إِذا جِئتَ طارِقاً
مِنَ اللَيلِ وَالتَفَّت عَلَيكَ ثِيابُها
28. She saw me once prostrate from wine so she reproached me
With "Wine is disheveled, unpleasant are its companions"
٢٨. رَأَتني صَريعَ الخَمرِ يَوماً فَسُؤتُها
بِقُرّانَ إِنَّ الخَمرَ شُعثٌ صِحابُها
29. And had she stumbled over me then, I would not have greeted her
With her stumbling nor responded poorly
٢٩. وَلَو عَثَرَت عِندي إِذاً ما لَحَيتُها
بِعَثرَتِها وَلا اُسيءَ جَوابُها
30. Nor would my dog have startled her to distance her alarm
Even if her dogs had barked me away
٣٠. وَلا هَرَّها كَلبي لِيُبعِدَ نَفرَها
وَلَو نَبَحَتني بِالشَكاةِ كِلابُها