
I knew the abodes like pages of prose

عرفت الديار كرقم الدوا

1. I knew the abodes like pages of prose
Inscribed by the Himyarite writer

١. عَرَفتُ الدِيارَ كَرَقمِ الدَوا
ةِ يَزبِرُها الكاتِبُ الحِميَرِيُّ

2. With symbols and embellishments as decorated
By its adorning, gifted artisan

٢. بِرَقمٍ وَوَشىٍ كَما زُخرِفَت
بِميشَمِها المُزدَهاةُ الهَدِيُّ

3. The elders informed and predicted
That the settled, faithful homeland

٣. أَدانَ وَأَنبَأَهُ الأَوَّلو
نَ أَنَّ المُدانَ المَلِيُّ الوَفِيُّ

4. Views scrolls like speckled shawls
In them lies the inheritance of an effaced book

٤. فَيَنظُرُ في صُحُفٍ كَالرِيا
طِ فيهِنَّ إِرثُ كِتابٍ مَحِيُّ

5. Upon the relics of tents, the ruins of glory
Save for the resolute and the steadfast

٥. عَلَى أَطرِقا بالِياتُ الخِيا
مِ إِلّا الثُمامُ وَإِلّا العِصِيُّ

6. So nothing remains but the submissive
And the bowed cheeks together with the pining

٦. فَلَم يَبقَ مِنها سِوى هامِدٍ
وَسُفعُ الخُدودِ مَعاً وَالنُؤِيُّ

7. And unkempt in the house of a community
Beside the inheritance of a basin, emptied by the coming

٧. وَأَشعَثَ في الدارِ ذي لِمَّةٍ
لَدى إِرِثِ حَوضٍ نَفاهُ الأَتِيُّ

8. Like the cloak's lapwing, saddened for it
By the spring's outlet, a gazelle, lovely and tender

٨. كَعوذِ المُعَطِّفِ أَحزى لَها
بِمَصدَرَةِ الماءِ رَأمٌ رَذِيُّ

9. There they are, hunched like the bending palm trees
Whose hearts have been ignited by passion

٩. فَهُنَّ عُكوفٌ كَنَوحِ الكَري
مِ قَد لاحَ أَكبادَهُنَّ الهَوِيُّ

10. And forgot old age, and the ignorant immersed one
Thinks I have forgotten

١٠. وَأَنسى نُشَيبَةَ وَالجاهِلُ ال
مُغَمَّرُ يَحِسَبُ أَنّي نَسِيُّ

11. Gladdening the friend and grieving the enemy
And the disputes of wars, agreeable and gentle

١١. يَسُرُّ الصَديقَ وَيَنكي العَدُوَّ
وَمِردى حُروبٍ رَضِيٌّ نَدِيُّ

12. At a time when the three have been perfected in him
Zeal, generosity, and a soul kind and easy

١٢. عَلى حينِ أَن تَمَّ فيهِ الثَلا
ثُ حَدٌّ وَجودٌ وَلُبٌّ رَخِيُّ

13. Of the best of what the youth has done
The turbaned one, goodness, dignity, and well-bred

١٣. وَمِن خَيرِ ما عَمِلَ الناشِىءُ ال
مُعَمَّمُ خَيرٌ وَزَندٌ وَرِيُّ

14. And patience for the occurrence of tribulations
And composure, grace, and a heart wise

١٤. وَصَبرٌ عَلى حَدَثِ النائِباتِ
وَحِلمٌ رَزينٌ وَقَلبٌ ذَكِيُّ