1. Time passed in torrents, yet still flows headstrong,
And the meadows by An'am were swept along.
١. صَبا صَبوَةً بَل لَجَّ وَهُوَ لَجوجُ
وَزالَت لَها بِالأَنعَمَينِ حُدوجُ
2. Like palm trees in Iraq when the flood sweeps by,
Sent rushing on from Euphrates they fly.
٢. كَما زالَ نَخلٌ بِالعِراقِ مُكَمَّمٌ
أُمِرَّ لَهُ مِن ذي الفُراتِ خَليجُ
3. My life, if a lover should chance to espy
You, our virtues obscured, in disarray,
٣. فَإِنَّكَ عَمري أَيَّ نَظرَةِ عاشِقٍ
نَظَرتَ وَقُدسٌ دونَنا وَدَجوجُ
4. With soft sliding shapes and an undulant sway
Beneath sheets that reveal them in part and hide;
٤. إِلى ظُعُنٍ كَالدَومِ فيها تَزايُلٌ
وَهِزَّةُ أَجمالٍ لَهُنَّ وَسيجُ
5. If he saw you at dawn rise and slip aside
The robes from your beauties, their trace to efface;
٥. غَدَونَ عَجالى وَاِنتَحَتهُنَّ خَزرَجٌ
مُعَفِّيَةٌ آثارَهُنَّ هَدوجُ
6. If he saw the black camels Um 'Amr made graze
Each night, and their streaming dark waters, muddy and thick.
٦. سَقى أُمَّ عَمروٍ كُلَّ آخِرِ لَيلَةٍ
حَناتِمُ سودٌ ماؤُهُنَّ ثَجيجُ
7. They drank of the sea and the salt made them sick,
Then sprinkled the Abyssinians passing in train,
٧. تَرَوَّت بِماءِ البَحرِ ثُمَّ تَنَصَّبَت
عَلى حَبَشِيّاتٍ لَهُنَّ نَئيجُ
8. On their necks where the plaits fell in circles again.
When you turned to depart the wind rose to restrain,
٨. إِذا هَمَّ بِالإِقلاعِ هَبَّت لَهُ الصَبا
فَأَعقَبَ نَشءٌ بَعدَها وَخُروجُ
9. Then died and you journeyed on once again
Your light, when revealed, shone clear of its veil
٩. يُضىءُ سَناهُ راتِقاً مُتَكَشِّفاً
أَغَرَّ كَمِصباحِ اليَهودِ دَلوجُ
10. Like a taper of the Jews when the night it assail.
As the lamp brought the Persians their affairs to detail
١٠. كَما نَوَّرَ المِصباحُ لِلعُجمِ أَمرَهُم
بُعَيدَ رُقادِ النائِمينَ عَريجُ
11. When all were asleep till the cocks began wail.
I lay awake thinking of you the night long
١١. أَرِقتُ لَهُ ذاتَ العِشاءِ كَأَنَّهُ
مَخاريقُ يُدعى وَسطَهُنَّ خَريجُ
12. Like cauldrons that seethe with a bubbling throng.
The maidens of Nedjd prepare you your food
١٢. تُكَركِرُهُ نَجدِيَّةٌ وَتَمُدُّهُ
يَمانِيَةٌ فَوقَ البِحارِ مَعوجُ
13. While Yaman's above seas boiling have stood.
Some rising aloft while some low skim the flood,
١٣. لَهُ هَيدَبٌ يَعلو الشِراجَ وَهَيدَبٌ
مُسِفٌّ بِأَذنابِ التِلاعِ خَلوجُ
14. Like the bump on a nose or the thickness of blood.
Your herd climbs the Pleiades, troop upon troop,
١٤. ضَفادِعُهُ غَرقى رِواءٌ كَأَنَّها
قِيانُ شُروبٍ رَجعُهُنَّ نَشيجُ
15. While others slide low by the Dragon's thick group,
Your beasts in the darkness like vessels agrope
١٥. لِكُلِّ مَسيلٍ مِن تِهامَةَ بَعدَما
تَقَطَّعَ أَقرانُ السَحابِ عَجيجُ
16. Plunging under to drink with a glug and a grope.
For every wadi in Tihama, though long,
١٦. كَأَنَّ ثِقالَ المُزنِ بَينَ تُضارِعٍ
وَشامَةَ بَركٌ مِن جُذامَ لَبيجُ
17. When the rain clouds are severed, your might is too strong.
As if Misma's camel with Judam's contend,
١٧. فَذلِكَ سُقيا أُمُّ عَمرٍ وَإِنَّني
لِما بَذَلَت مِن سَيبِها لَبَهيجُ
18. The victor's each bump shall the bruising amend.
That, Um 'Amr, was your drink offering, free,
١٨. كَأَنَّ اِبنَةَ السَهمِيِّ دُرَّةُ قامِسٍ
لَها بَعدَ تَقطيعُ النُبوحِ وَهيجُ
19. And my gift was as great for such generosity.
Like Durra of Kais when sad Mourners depart
١٩. بِكَفَّي رَقاحِيٍّ يُحِبُّ نَماءَها
فَيُبرِزُها لِلبَيعِ فَهِيَ فَريجُ
20. She shows her bright cheeks though her tears swell her heart.
A broker displays her, his profit to start,
٢٠. أَجازَ إِلَيها لُجَّةً بَعدَ لُجَّةٍ
أَزَلُّ كَغُرنوقِ الضُحولِ عَموجُ
21. So men can possess her, his purse to enlarge.
To her came a flood, then another flood's charge,
٢١. فَجاءَ بِها ما شِئتَ مِن لَطَمِيَّةٍ
يَدومُ الفُراتُ فَوقَها وَيَموجُ
22. Like a wild ass escaping when hunters converge.
So she came, as you wish, from Latim's expanse,
٢٢. فَجاءَ بِها بَعدَ الكَلالِ كَأَنَّهُ
مِنَ الأَينِ مِحراسُ أَقَذُّ سَحيجُ
23. While above her Euphrates still rises and dance.
After weariness takes her, as if to the glance
٢٣. عَشِيِّةَ قامَت بِالفَناءِ كَأَنَّها
عَقيلَةُ نَهبٍ تُصطَفى وَتَغوجُ
24. She were hidden, of vessels most precious the prize.
At night in the courtyard erect as she stands,
٢٤. وَصُبَّ عَلَيها الطيبُ حَتّى كَأَنَّها
أَسِيٌّ عَلى أُمِّ الدِماغِ حَجيجُ
25. Like a captive of battle, selected for size.
Oils poured over till her head seems to rise
٢٥. كَأَنَّ عَلَيها بالَةً لَطَمِيَّةً
لَها مِن خِلالِ الدَأيَتَينِ أَريجُ
26. Like vapor o'er kindling aloes set alight.
As if clothed by Latiim in robes fringed with dyes,
٢٦. كَأَنَّ اِبنَةَ السَهمِيِّ يَومَ لَقيتُها
مُوَشَّحَةٌ بِالطُرَّتَينِ هَميجُ
27. Whose slits show her legs with a glimmering light.
That day when I found her, great Kais's treasure,
٢٧. بِأَسفَلِ ذاتِ الدَبرِ أُفرِدَ خَشفُها
فَقَد وَلِهَت يَومَينِ فَهيَ خَلوجُ
28. She glittered, bedecked in two mantles' rich measure.
Below, her legs showed where the robes' greater leisure
٢٨. فَإِن تَصرِمي حَبلي وَإِن تَتَبَدَّلي
خَليلاً وَمِنهُم صالِحٌ وَسَميجُ
29. Allowed them, bare, slowly to sway into sight.
Though you spurn me and take for your love at your pleasure
٢٩. فَإِنّي صَبَرتُ النَفسَ بَعدَ اِبنِ عَنبَسٍ
وَقَد لَجَّ مِن ماءِ الشُؤونِ لَجوجُ
30. Khalil or Salih or Samij to requite,
I've borne this with patience since Ibn 'Anbas fled
٣٠. لِأُحسَبَ جَلداً أَو لِيُنبَأَ شامِتٌ
وَلِلشَّرِّ بَعدَ القارِعاتِ فُروجُ
31. And torrents rushed on me, while to torrents he sped.
Let me be thought patient, or inform talebearers,
٣١. فَذلِكَ أَعلى مِنكِ فَقداً لِأَنَّهُ
كَريمٌ وَبَطني بِالكِرامِ بَعيجُ
32. For enemies after disaster bring cheers.
High you stand above loss, for you took a man dear,
٣٢. وَذلِكَ مَشبوحُ الذِراعَينِ خَلجَمٌ
خَشوفٌ بِأَعراضِ الدِيارِ دَلوجُ
33. While my soul hugs all dear ones with gripping arrears.
Both arms he flung wide, Khuljam wandered, distraught,
٣٣. ضَروبٌ لِهاماتِ الرِجالِ بِسَيفِهِ
إِذا حَنَّ نَبعٌ بَينَهُم وَشَريجُ
34. His land lost to him, all his pride brought to naught.
He reddened his sword with the blood of the brave
٣٤. يُقَرِّبُهُ لِلمُستِضيفِ إِذا أَتى
جِراءٌ وَشَدٌّ كَالحَريقِ ضَريحُ