
And convey to Ma'qil ibn Khuwailid

وأبلغ لديك معقل بن خويلد

1. And convey to Ma'qil ibn Khuwailid
Angels guiding him to you with their gifts

١. وأَبلِغ لَدَيكَ مَعقِلَ بنَ خُوَيلِدٍ
مَلائِكَ يَهديها إِلَيكَ هُداتُها

2. One after another, before that came
To you, so they came frightened, their skirts fluttering

٢. عَلى إِثرِ أُخرى قَبلَ ذلِكَ قَد أَتَت
إِلَيكَ فَجاءَت مُقشَعِرّاً شَواتُها

3. And the people knew that you are a master
And that you are from a harsh, stronghold house

٣. وَقَد عَلِمَ الأَقوامُ أَنَّكَ سَيِّدٌ
وَأَنَّكَ مِن دارٍ شَديدٍ حَصاتُها

4. So do not let the serpent's hands tempt you
And leave it when its twilight hides it

٤. فَلا تُتبِعِ الأَفعى يَدَيكَ تَنوشُها
وَدَعها إِذا ما غَيَّبَتها سَفاتُها

5. And extinguish, do not ignite or be a place
For the enemies' fire, so their flames flare

٥. وَأَطفِىء وَلا توقِد وَلا تَكُ مِحضَأً
لِنارِ العُداةِ أَن تَطيرَ شَكاتُها

6. For of words that have no heat
When they slip off the tongue being unleashed

٦. فَإِنَّ مِنَ القَولِ الَّتي لا شَوى لَها
إِذا زَلَّ عَن ظَهرِ اللِسانِ اِنفِلاتُها

7. And their position is huge when they are sent
Though if held back they'd be easy, grasped

٧. وَمَوقِعُها ضَخمٌ إِذا هِيَ أُرسِلَت
وَلَو كُفِتَت كانَت يَسيراً كِفاتُها

8. And when my soul did not agree to send them to you
Can my soul benefit you, with their sighs?

٨. وَلَمّا تَطِب نَفسي بِإِرسالِها لَكُم
وَهَل يَنفَعَن نَفسي إِلَيكُم أَناتُها