
Alive and everlasting life, and greetings

حيا وحياة سرمد وتحية

1. Alive and everlasting life, and greetings
To the handsome youth dangling from the cliff of the valley,

١. حَياً وَحَياةٌ سَرمَدٌ وَتَحِيَّةٌ
عَلى العَلَقِ المَطلولِ مِن كَثَبِ الشِعبِ

2. Who fell rejected from the peaks, so that
The arena of life was stained with his dust.

٢. تَساقَطَ مُرفَضَّ الرَشاشَةِ فَاِغتَدَت
بِهِ ساحَةُ الدُنيا مُضَمَّخَةَ التُربِ

3. And my tears for Joseph are from grief of life,
Though my eyes drink not his blood.

٣. وَمِن أَسَفِ الدُنيا بُكائي لِيوسُفٍ
وَما لِثَراهُ في دُموعِيَ مِن شُربِ