
O rose brought by the hand of a connoisseur

يا وردة جادت بها يد متحفي

1. O rose brought by the hand of a connoisseur
My tears flowed for it and my sorrow was provoked

١. يا وَردَةً جادَت بِها يَدُ مُتحِفي
فَهَمى لَها دَمعي وَهاجَ تَأَسُّفي

2. Fragrant red, as if it were
From the cheek of a young man kissing his beloved

٢. حَمراءُ عاطِرَةُ النَسيمِ كَأَنَّها
مِن خَدِّ مُقتَبِلِ الشَبيبَةِ مُترَفِ

3. It reminded me of the blood of a companion
With which the world drank a sip of death

٣. عَرَضَت تُذَكِّرُني دَماً مِن صاحِبٍ
شَرِبَت بِهِ الدُنيا سُلافَةَ قَرقَفِ

4. I kissed it passionately and said to my tears
This is not what the earth absorbs from Joseph's blood

٤. فَلَثَمتُها شَغَفاً وَقُلتُ لِعَبرَتي
هِيَ ما تَمُجُّ الأَرضُ مِن دَمِ يُوسُفِ