
The dwelling of Ibn Rizq's son dragged its skirts therein,

محل ابن رزق جر فيه ذيوله

1. The dwelling of Ibn Rizq's son dragged its skirts therein,
From al-Muzni, driving camels well, watering them.

١. مَحَلُّ اِبنِ رِزقٍ جَرَّ فيهِ ذُيولَهُ
مِنَ المُزنِ ساقٍ يُحسِنُ الجَرَّ وَالسُقيا

2. I mentioned it one evening with no blame for its pact,
Though we were not delighted by its splendor when met.

٢. ذَكَرتُ عَشِيّاً فيهِ لا ذُمَّ عَهدُهُ
وَإِن نَحنُ لَم نُمتَع بِبَهجَتِهِ لُقيا

3. And nothing clung to me from you when we parted,
Except some musk perfume from your soft hand.

٣. وَلَم يَعتَلِق بي مِنكَ عِندَ اِفتِراقِنا
سِوى عَبَقٍ مِن مِسك قَينَتِكَ اللَميا

4. I saw myself in dreams as if I was handing out
Gold dinars from the wealth of worldly life.

٤. وَكُنتُ أراني في الكَرى وَكَأَنَّني
أُناوَلُ كَالدينارِ مِن ذَهَبِ الدُنيا

5. But when that lineage and its beauty wrapped
Around an hour of our company, the dream came true.

٥. فَلَمّا اِنطَوى ذاكَ الأَصيلُ وَحُسنُهُ
عَلى ساعَةٍ مِن أُنسِنا صَحَّتِ الرُؤيا