
He who contends with truth, no proof avails him,

من عاند الحق لم يعضده برهان

1. He who contends with truth, no proof avails him,
While guidance has clear signs and sovereignty.

١. مَن عانَدَ الحَقَّ لَم يَعضُدهُ بُرهانُ
وَلِلهُدى حُجَّةٌ تَعلو وَسُلطانُ

2. Whatever signs of His God displays
In perfect state, for God's work shows perfection.

٢. ما يُظهِرُ اللَه مِن آياتِهِ فَعَلى
أَتَمِّ حالٍ وَصُنعُ اللَهِ إِتقانُ

3. Who has not seen the sun, can ne'er between
The night and day a manifest division find.

٣. مَن لَم يَرَ الشَمسَ لَم يَحصُل لِناظِرِهِ
بَينَ النَهارِ وَبَينَ اللَيلِ فُرقانُ

4. Praise be to God! Praise such as knowing minds
Yield to His essence, while their thoughts Islam and faith expand.

٤. الحَمدُ لِلَّهِ حَمدَ العارِفينَ بِهِ
قَد نَوَّرَ القَلبَ إِسلامٌ وَإيمانُ

5. Reason and fixed tradition of fair creed
Are jointly charged the mystic light of right to lead.

٥. عَقلٌ وَثابِتُ حُسنٍ يَقضِيانِ مَعاً
لِلأَمرِ أَنَّ سِراجَ الأَمرِ عُثمانُ

6. That light, whose nature mocks our wisdom's reach,
Transcends our thoughts, and far our grasping powers exceeds

٦. السَيِّدُ المُتَعالي كُنهُ سُؤددهِ
عَمّا تَأَوَّلُ أَلبابٌ وَأَذهانُ

7. Who views His lofty court must wonder-lost descry
The earthly throne and heavenly roof in essence one.

٧. مَن راءَ حَضرَتَهُ العُليا رَأى عَجَباً
المُلكُ في الأَرضِ وَالإيوانُ كيوانُ

8. A sight wherein the souls of all that live
Seem as but dead, to life's delight still blind and deaf and numb.

٨. مَرأىً عَلَيهِ اِجتِماعٌ لِلنُّفوسِ كَما
تَشَبَّثَت بِلَذيذِ العَيشِ أَجفانُ

9. To eye and heart a hope that ventureth not
In time's renewing spring to dip its foot.

٩. لِلعَينِ وَالقَلبِ في إِقبالِهِ أَمَلٌ
كَأَنَّهُ لِلشَّبابِ الغَضِّ رَيعانُ

10. Through his nobility we nearer drew
Unto the Highest Good, if human thought

١٠. كُنّا إِلى المَلَأِ الأَعلى بِنِسبَتِهِ
لَو ناسَبَ المَلَأ العُلوِيَّ إِنسانُ

11. Could mount to regions of celestial air
Allowed to angels and to men denied.

١١. كَأَنَّما يَتَعاطى فضلَ مَنطِقِهِ
عِندَ التَكَلُّمِ لُقمانٌ وَسَحبانُ

12. He speaks as one with Luqman's wisdom graced,
Or as As-Suhban when his words the armies swayed.

١٢. يُغضي عَنِ الذَنبِ عَفواً وَهوَ مُقتَدِرٌ
وَيَترُكُ البَطشَ حِلماً وَهوَ غَضبانُ

13. If angered, he forgives the injury
And pardons when revenge is in his power.

١٣. بِفِطنَةٍ مِن وَراءِ الغَيبِ صادِقَةٍ
مِنها عَلى فَضلِها في الحُكمِ عُنوانُ

14. With wisdom searching what the unseen veil
Conceals, his judgment errs not in the least degree.

١٤. مَزِيَّةٌ ما أراها قَبلَهُ حَصَلَت
لِواحِدٍ مِن مُلوكِ الأَرضِ مُذ كانوا

15. No worldly king possessed a trait like this,
Since earthly crowns on mortal brows were placed.

١٥. أَستَغفِرُ اللَهَ إِلا قصةً سَلَفَت
قَد كانَ فُهِّمها يَوماً سُلَيمانُ

16. I ask God's pardon! - save in days of old
When knowledge filled the mind of Solomon.

١٦. سارٍ مِنَ النَقعِ في ظَلماءَ فاحِمَةٍ
وَالشُهبُ في أُفُقِ المرانِ خَرصانُ

17. A wanderer amid trackless wastes by night
While clouds discharged their burden, and the lances

١٧. وَمُغتَدٍ وَمِنَ الخَطِيِّ في يَدِهِ
عَصا تَلَقَّفَ مِنها الجَيشَ ثُعبانُ

18. Of charging cavalry gleamed on the hills.
A staff his hand supports, men think it changed

١٨. غَرناطَةٌ شُغِفَت حُبّاً وَمِنكَ لَها
بِالحَلِّ وَصلٌ وَبِالتِرحالِ هِجرانُ

19. To a fell serpent, at whose look the ranks,
Affrighted, shrink and scatter in wild flight.

١٩. مَولايَ ماذا عَلَيها مُذ حَلَلَت بِها
أَن لا يُعاوِنُها ناسٌ وَبُلدانُ

20. Granada thy love enraptured he deprived thee
Both of his presence and his wandering.

٢٠. إِذا تَذَكَّرتَ أَوطاناً سَكَنتَ بِها
فَلا يَكُن مِنكَ لِلأَضلاعِ نِسيانُ

21. My lord, what fault in her that she no more
Should have the help of other men or lands?

٢١. مِمَّن لَهُ حَدُّ سَيفٍ أَو شَبا قَلَمٍ
شَرارُهُ في الوَغى وَالفَهمِ نيرانُ

22. When thou recallest native countries left,
Let no forgetfulness thy heart allow.

٢٢. يَسلُّ مِقوَلَهُ إِن شامَ مُنصُلَهُ
وَلِلخِطابِ كَما لِلحَربِ أَوطانُ

23. A sword he draws, or reed he guides in sport,
Keenest, when hostile squadrons rove the field.

٢٣. قَد يَسكُتُ السَيفُ وَالأَقلامُ ناطِقَةٌ
وَالسَيفُ في لُغَةِ الأَقلامِ لَحّانُ

24. He garbs his speech, if right his meaning's aim,
For eloquence, like war, has camps and fort.

٢٤. عَدلاً مَلَأتَ بِهِ الدُنيا فَأَنتَ بِها
بَينَ العِبادِ وَبَينَ اللَهِ مِيزانُ

25. Oft silent swords and tongues of streaming fire
For tongues can speak the language of the blade.

٢٥. أَبياتُ مَعلُوَةٍ في كُلِّها لَكُمُ
أُسٌّ كَريمٌ عَلى التَقوى وَبُنيانُ

26. Justice the land with equity hast filled,
And made twixt God and man the balance true.

٢٦. فَلَو لَحِقتُم زَمانَ الوَحيِ نُزِّلَ في
تِلكَ الصِفاتِ مَكانَ الشِعرِ قُرآنُ

27. These pregnant lines Ma'lūyah's gift declare;
On faith's foundation rests their goodly base.

٢٧. مَن لَم يُصِخ نَحوَها وَالسَيفُ مُلتَحِفٌ
فَسَوفَ يَقرَؤُها وَالسَيفُ عُريانُ

28. Had ye in days inspired the light received,
Down in your pages would have shone the Word.

٢٨. مَوتُ العِدا بِالظُبا دَينٌ وَإِن مَطَلَت
بِهِ سُيوفُكَ فَالأَيّامُ ضُمّانُ

29. He that espies them not when swords are drawn
Will find them when the naked blade appears.

٢٩. فَكُن مِن الظَفَرِ الأَعلى عَلى ثِقَةٍ
مِنكَ الظُبا وَمِنَ الأَعناقِ إِذعانُ

30. To slay the foe with lightning stroke is just.
E'en should thy matchless blade his crimes delay

٣٠. لا زالَ كُلُّ عَدُوٍّ في مَقاتِلِهِ
دَمٌ إِلى سَيفِكَ الريّانِ ظَمآنُ