
With an earring of green chrysolite dangling in your ear,

وفي أذنك الجوزاء قرطا معلقا

1. With an earring of green chrysolite dangling in your ear,
And for the star in your right side, a fresh sprig.

١. وَفي أُذنِكَ الجَوزاءُ قُرطاً مُعَلَّقاً
وَلِلنَّجمِ في يُمناكَ ضِغثُ بَهارِ

2. You're a crescent, no - I should say a gazelle,
With a flock around not a herd.

٢. وَأَنتَ هِلالٌ بَل أَقولُ غَزالَةٌ
وَحَولَكَ سِربٌ لا أَقولُ دَراري

3. As I said why do I see the night eternal?
Otherwise why doesn't it make way for daylight?

٣. كَما قُلتُ ما بالي أَرى اللَيل سَرمَداً
وَإِلّا فَلِم لا يَنجَلي بِنَهارِ

4. They say the night is long but it's not long.
Is there any rivalry between lovers in it?

٤. يَقولونَ طالَ اللَيلُ وَاللَيلُ لَم يَطُل
وَهَل فيهِ بَينَ العاشِقينَ تَماري

5. When the night of love comes none sleeping knows
What the roving lover endures and contests.

٥. إِذا جَنَّ لَيلُ الحُبِّ لَم يَدرِ نائِمٌ
بِهِ ما يُقاسي هائِمٌ وَيُداري

6. And they said his passion appeared with his gray hair,
But I said my passion appeared with my gray hair.

٦. وَقالوا تَجَلّى بِالمَشيبِ عِذارُهُ
فَقُلتُ تَجَلّى بِالمَشيبِ عِذاري

7. Their breasts surged against her as if they were
The curved blades of swords and the swords naked.

٧. فَجاشَت لَها مِنهُم صُدورٌ كَأَنَّها
غُمودُ سُيوفٍ وَالسُيوفُ عَواري

8. Had I wished, there would have arisen between us a war of lovers
With the garb of resignation my banner.

٨. وَلَو شِئتُ ثارَت بَينَنا حَربُ عاشِقٍ
يَكونُ بِها ثَوبُ السَقامِ شِعاري

9. But you, daughter of goodness, restrained me from them
Customs of great ardors in ardors.

٩. وَلكِن عَدَتني يا اِبنَةَ الخَيرِ عَنهُمُ
عَوادي خُطُوبٍ في الخُطُوبِ كِبارِ

10. For you I braved the sea of the lanes deliberately
With my boat between the two banks vying.

١٠. رَكِبتُ لَها بَحرَ الزُقاقِ تَعَمُّداً
وَلِلفُلكِ بَينَ العَدوَتَينِ تَباري

11. Where the two seas met and death was intent
To beset us from the right and left.

١١. بِحَيثُ اِلتَقى البَحرانِ وَالمَوتُ عازِمٌ
يُساوِرُنا مِن يَمنَةٍ وَيَسارِ