
With my soul, whom I name naught but

وبنفسي من لا أسميه إلا

1. With my soul, whom I name naught but
A part of a turban and part of a gesture

١. وَبِنَفسي مَن لا أُسَمّيهِ إِلّا
بَعضَ إِلمامَةٍ وَبَعضَ إِشارَه

2. He and the gazelle are equal in beauty
What the gazelle borrowed of him were borrowings

٢. هُوَ وَالظَبيُ في الجَمالِ سَواءٌ
ما اِستَعارَ الغَزالُ مِنهُ اِستَعارَه

3. A bud that holds silk in its mouth
As the gazelle holds the meadows

٣. أَغيَدٌ يُمسِكُ الحَريرَ بِفِيهِ
مِثلَما يُمسِكُ الغَزالُ العَرارَه

4. My ribs contain not what my heart held of him
Like hope that folded and in it were embers

٤. ما بِقَلبي حَوَتهُ مِنهُ ضُلوعي
كَالرَجاءِ اِنطَوى وَفيهِ شَرارَه

5. His abode is the heart yet he settles another
God sanctified wherever his abode settled

٥. دارُهُ القَلبُ وَهوَ يَحتَلُّ أُخرى
قَدَّسَ اللَهُ حَيثُما حَلَّ دارَه