
I have not seen the like of anvil that withstands

ولم أر مثل صفار تصدى

1. I have not seen the like of anvil that withstands
As the polished sword wears down from striking

١. وَلَم أَرَ مِثلَ صَفّارٍ تَصَدّى
كَما صَدئَ الصَقيلُ مِنَ السُيوفِ

2. Tomorrow it will give with two iron fingers
Eyes of droplets like uncovered gold

٢. غَدا يَعطو بِأَنملَتَي حَديدٍ
عُيونَ القِطرِ كَالذَهَبِ المَشوفِ

3. Whenever fire is brought near to it
Like glowing embers nimble and slight

٣. إِذا ما النارُ مَجَّتها إِلَيهِ
كَمِثلِ الجَمرِ رائِعَةَ الخفوفِ

4. Its light shines and dims its blade
As the strong prevails over the weak

٤. تَلَألَأَ نورُهُ فَخَبا سَناها
كَما ظَهرَ القَوِيُّ عَلى الضَعيفِ

5. Otherwise it would not cool to blackness
As if its suns suffered an eclipse

٥. وَإِلّا ما لَها تَربدُّ سَودا
كَأَنَّ شموسَها قِطَعُ الكُسوفِ