1. A radiant evening, its view shortened
As though the sun, midway through it
١. وَعَشِيٍّ رائِقٍ مَنظَرُهُ
قَد قَصَرناهُ عَلى صَرفِ الشَمولِ
2. Had brought its cheek to the ground to alight
And the morning breeze lifts the hems of the hills
٢. وَكَأَنَّ الشَمسَ في أَثنائِهِ
أَلصَقَت بِالأَرضِ خَدّاً لِلنُّزولِ
3. And the brisk air is like a polished sword
Blessed is our dwelling, secluded
٣. وَالصَبا تَرفَعُ أَذيالَ الرُبى
وَمُحَيّا الجَوِّ كَالسَيفِ الصَقيلِ
4. Where none look upon us but the wafting breeze
A singing bird and a bending branch
٤. حَبَّذا مَنزِلُنا مُغتَبَقاً
حَيثُ لا يَنظُرُنا غَيرُ الهَديلِ
5. And the darkness drinks the whiteness of the late morning
٥. طائِرٌ شادٍ وَغُصنٌ مُنثَنٍ
وَالدُجى يَشرَبُ صَهباءَ الأَصيلِ