
O my two companions at the place of farewell

يا صاحبي على النوى ولأنتما

1. O my two companions at the place of farewell
You are brothers in passion and the best of friends

١. يا صاحِبيَّ عَلى النَوى وَلَأَنتُما
أَخَوا هَوايَ وَحَبَّذا الأَخَوانِ

2. Your yearning spirits venture to the distant homeland
For the heart is home to the spirit of man

٢. خوضا إِلى الوَطَنِ البَعيدِ جَوانِحي
إِنَّ القُلوبَ مَواطِنُ الأَوطانِ

3. You stayed with me, untethered guests
And endured the pangs of ardent longing

٣. وَلَبِثتُما عِندِي طَليقَي غُربَةٍ
وَلَفَظتُما عُلَقَ المَشُوقِ العاني

4. I bid you farewell but did not seal it with a kiss
To place upon your feet as you cross the bridge of meaning

٤. أَمُوَدِّعَينِ وَلَم أُحَمِّل قُبلَةً
نَعلَيكُما تُهدى لِجِسرِ مَعانِ