
In a meadow whose freshness delights the eye

وروض جلا صدأ العين به

1. In a meadow whose freshness delights the eye
A breeze passes gently over its drinking-place

١. وَرَوضٍ جَلا صَدَأَ العَينِ بِه
نَسيمٌ تَجارى عَلى مَشرَبِه

2. A pine-tree whose trunk is erected
Bows over it and in the water dips its crown

٢. صَنَوبَرَةٌ رُكِّبَت ساقُها
عَلَيهِ فَخاضَت حَشا مِذنَبِه

3. I fancied it, with its boughs and its twigs
Was like a flask whose water flows from its neck

٣. فَشَبَّهتُها وَأَنابيبُها
بِها الماءُ قَد جَدَّ في مَسكَبِه

4. Like a mother-ostrich sheltering
Her fledglings clinging close to her

٤. بِأَرقَمَ كَعَّكَ مِن شَخصِهِ
وَأَفرُخُهُ يَتَعَلَّقنَ بِه