1. O you who yearn for the tents of Naqa,
Ease your heart from that anxiety,
١. أَيُّها الآمِلُ خَيماتِ النَقا
خَف عَلى قَلبِكَ تِلكَ الحَدَقا
2. For the tents are filled with a flock
That may deceive you if you aspire.
٢. إِنَّ سِرباً حُشِيَ الخَيمُ بِهِ
رُبَّما غَرَّكَ حَتّى تَرمُقا
3. Do not arouse them to temptations
At which even lions shudder in fear.
٣. لا تُثِرها فِتنَةً مِن رَبرَبٍ
تُرعِدُ الأُسدُ لَدَيهِ فَرَقا
4. And avoid their bewitching glance
For long has my cloak been torn by their claws.
٤. وَاِنجُ عَنها لَحظَةً سَهمِيَّةً
طالَ ما بَلَّت رِدائي عَلَقا
5. And if it is said the caravan survived, say
However did those roads find safety?
٥. وَإِذا قيلَ نَجا الرَكبُ فَقُل
كَيفَما سالَمَ تِلكَ الطُرُقا
6. O archers of life, forgiveness upon you
For the blood of mine you shed that day,
٦. يا رُماةَ الحَيِّ مَوهوبٌ لَكُم
ما سَفَكتُم مِن دَمي يَومَ النَفا
7. You did not intend it, but it was fate
That brought the time and a foregone decree,
٧. ما تَعَمَّدتُم وَلكِن سَبَبٌ
قَرَّبَ الحَينَ وَأَمرٌ سَبَقا
8. And diversions that met a chance
To kill the youth and left him lying dead.
٨. وَاِلتِفاتاتٌ تَلَقَّت عَرَضاً
مَقتَلَ الصبِّ فَخلَّتهُ لَقى
9. Ah! After you my aching eyelids
Complain that my cheeks are drowning.
٩. آهِ مِن جَفنٍ قَريحٍ بَعدَكُم
يَشتَكي خَدّايَ مِنهُ الغَرَقا
10. And a heart desolate whenever
I hoped it would stop pulsating for you.
١٠. وَحَشا غَيرِ قَريرٍ كُلَّما
رُمتُ أَن يَهدَأَ عَنكُم خَفَقا
11. And a spirit I never dared to place
My hand upon, fearing it would ignite.
١١. وَفُؤادٍ لَم أَضَع قَطُّ يَدي
فَوقَهُ خِيفَة أَن تَحتَرِقا
12. What star did my eyes observe
Herding, that does not roam the horizon?
١٢. ما لِنَجمٍ عَكَفَت عَيني عَلى
رَعيِهِ لَيسَ يَرِيمُ الأُفُقا
13. And what eye did I wear out for you
That did not wear out sleeplessness for you?
١٣. وَلِعَينٍ خَلَعَت فيكَ الكَرى
كَيفَ لَم تَخلَع عَلَيكَ الأَرَقا
14. O blamers! Why are you not calmed
From hearts that have kept us restless?
١٤. أَيُّها اللُوّامُ ما أَهدَأَكُم
عَن قُلوبٍ أَسهَرَتنا قَلَقا
15. What more do you want to torture them
After they have melted for you in passion?
١٥. ما الَّذي تَبغُونَ مِن تَعذِيبِها
بَعدَما ذابَت عَلَيكُم حُرَقا
16. Our people, be content with your charm
And for God's sake cease your allure.
١٦. قَومَنا فُوزوا بِسُلوانِكُمُ
وَدَعُوا بِاللَهِ مِن تَشوَّقا
17. And have mercy in the darkness of night on one
Who passes the night shedding tears that drench the darkness.
١٧. وَاِرحَموا في غَسَقِ الظَلماءِ مَن
باتَ بِالدَمعِ يَبُلُّ الغَسَقا
18. Give us fulfillment from you, even if
Just an apparition of you were to pass by.
١٨. عَلِّلُونا بِالمُنى مِنكُم وَلَو
بِخَيالٍ مِنكُمُ أَن يَطرُقا
19. And promise us a meeting with you
For many of you are oft-remembered.
١٩. وَعِدُونا بِلِقاءٍ مِنكُمُ
فَكَثيرٌ مِنكُمُ ذِكرُ اللِقا
20. Had we feared injustice from our neighbors
We would have sought justice before we parted.
٢٠. لَو خَشِينا الجَورَ مِن جيرَتِنا
لَاِنتَصَفنا قَبلَ أَن نَفتَرِقا
21. And now we live on remnants
Of what we once drank in gulps.
٢١. وَاِصطَبَحنا الآنَ مِن فَضلَةِ ما
قَد شَرِبنا ذلِكَ المُغتَبَقا
22. So God watered the evenings of ardour
And ardour is the most generous rain.
٢٢. فَسَقى اللَهُ عَشِيّاتِ الحِمى
وَالحِمى أَكرَم هَطّالٍ سَقى
23. We were granted it as our livelihood
Rarely attained by those granted.
٢٣. قَد رُزِقناها وَكانَت عيشَةً
قَلَّما فازَ بِها مَن رُزِقا
24. Neither arrows nor goods came from you
They are the most murderous arrows aimed.
٢٤. لا وَسَهمٍ جاءَ مِن نَحوِكُمُ
إِنَّهُ أَقتَلُ سَهمٍ فُوِّقا
25. As for the adornments of Najd, we will recount them,
They have given us vast room for passion.
٢٥. وَحُلى نَجدٍ سَنُجري ذِكرَها
أَوسَعَتنا في الهَوى مُرتَفَقا
26. Life after you is not sweet to us
Since you left and wellbeing departed.
٢٦. ما حَلا بَعدَكُم العَيشُ لَنا
مُذ تَباعَدتُم وَلا طابَ البَقا
27. So who will inform us of news
And inform us truthfully?
٢٧. فَمَنِ المُنبي إِلَينا خَبَراً
وَعَلى مُخبِرِنا أَن يَصدُقا
28. Does Babylon know we are a band
Who make a charm of charms a remedy?
٢٨. هَل دَرَت بابِلُ أَنّا فِئَةٌ
تَجعَلُ السِحرَ مِنَ السِحرِ رُقى
29. We carve the verse on our ribs
Thus protecting us from all that must be avoided,
٢٩. نَنقُشُ الآيَةَ في أَضلاعِنا
فَتَقينا كُلَّ شَيءٍ يُتَّقى
30. With the supreme authority of the Minister
Before whom magic bows when it speaks.
٣٠. مِن بَنانِ الوَزَرِ الأَعلى الَّذي
يُخجِلُ السِحرَ إِذا ما نَطَقا