
He made a pact from Najd with covenants that

سقى العهد من نجد معاهده بما

1. He made a pact from Najd with covenants that
The tear is jealous for it to drink the drops.

١. سَقى العَهدَ مِن نَجدٍ معاهدَه بِما
يغارُ عَلَيها الدَمعُ أَن تَشرَبَ القَطرا

2. So O fleeting life, what is between us
Besides time something so return we complain of fate.

٢. فَيا غَينَةَ الجَرعاءِ ما حالَ بَينَنا
سِوى الدَهرِ شَيءٌ فَاِرجِعي نَشتَكي الدَهرا

3. The life of living has ended except for a brief revival
When I asked for your meeting, I excused it with mention.

٣. تَقَضَّت حَياةُ العَيشِ إِلا حُشاشَةً
إِذا سَأَلَت لُقياكِ عَلَّلتُها ذِكرا

4. And how many meadows waving with soft growth
The breezes soak their breaths in spreading fragrance.

٤. وَكَم بِالنَقا مِن رَوضَةٍ مُرجَحِنَّةٍ
تَضَمَّخُ أَنفاسُ الرِياحِ بِها نَشرا

5. And from a blue bud playing with the echo
When a bending shadow revolves around it reddish brown.

٥. وَمِن نُطفَةٍ زَرقاءَ تَلعَبُ بِالصَدى
إِذا ما ثَنى ظلٌّ مُدارٌ بِها سُمرا

6. And the coolness of a breeze that leaned over at the mention
On sighs that rupture the burning liver.

٦. وَبَردُ نَسيمٍ أَنثَني عِندَ ذِكرِهِ
عَلى زَفَراتٍ تَصدَعُ الكَبدَ الحَرّى

7. And for yearnings that the night contained
Little there is for it that we would narrow our chests.

٧. وَإِن لباناتٍ تَضَمَّنَها الحَشا
قَليلٌ لَدَيها أَن نَضيقَ بِها صَدرا