
You excelled, but in all virtues

سبقت ولكن في الفضائل كلها

1. You excelled, but in all virtues
Above the good in every soul or despite

١. سَبَقتَ وَلكِن في الفَضائِلِ كُلِّها
عَلى الطيبِ مِن كُلِّ النُفوسِ أَوِ الرُغمِ

2. Lines, and even if I wanted, I would have said copious
It is musk or like musk in color and scent

٢. سُطورٌ وَلَو قَد شِئتُ قُلتُ لَطائِمٌ
هِيَ المِسكُ أَو كَالمِسكِ في اللَونِ وَالشَمِّ

3. And a flock of chaste meanings
It has an alchemy not heavy on the mind

٣. وَسِربُ عَذارى مِن مَعانٍ جَلِيَّةٍ
لَها سِيمِياءٌ لا تَشُقُّ عَلى الفَهمِ

4. Although it moved freely in your comfort
So it did not walk but from a guardian to a brand

٤. عَلى أَنَّها في راحَتَيكَ تَصَرَّفَت
فَلَم تَمشِ إِلا مِن وَلِيٍّ إِلى وَسمي

5. And I was asked how was its arrival
So I said to him the arrival of healing from sickness

٥. وَمُستَفهِمٍ لي كَيفَ كانَ وُرُودُها
فَقُلتُ لَهُ وِردُ الشِفاءِ عَلى السُقمِ

6. So your missive, which covered my heel as you wished with ample difficulties, was truthful
And turned me over the mattress, agitated

٦. فَقَد صَدَّقَت رُؤيايَ رُقعَتُكَ الَّتي
كَسَت عَقِبي ما شِئتَ مِن سُؤدَدٍ ضَخمِ

7. By fate with the free in much affliction
Men whose listening hurt me in purpose

٧. وَأَسهَرَني فَوقَ القَتادِ تَقَلُّبٌ
مِنَ الدَهرِ بِالأَحرارِ بالَغَ في الهَضمِ

8. And the harm of the bow comes from the arrow
He took lightly what we fear and spent the night complacent

٨. رِجالٌ شَجَتني بِالسَماعِ عَلى النَوى
وَيَبلُغ ضُرُّ القَوسِ مِن قِبَلِ السَهمِ

9. For good fortune may sneak in a night of anxiety
Your place, you don't know it from the horizon of ascension

٩. تَهاوَن بِما نَخشى وَبِت مُتَسَلِّياً
فَقَد تَطرُقُ السَرّاءُ في لَيلَةِ الهَمِّ

10. So take the course of the waning and waxing moons
For inhibition did not follow freshness with humiliation

١٠. مَكانُكَ ما تَدريهِ مِن أُفُقِ العُلا
فَخُذ مَأخَذَ الأَقمارِ في النَقصِ وَالتِمِّ

11. Nor did the inclination of a star demean the prestige of a star

١١. فَما أَعقَبَ السَبكُ النُضارَ مَهانَةً
وَلا حَطَّ مَيلُ النَجمِ مِن شَرَفِ النَجمِ