
Not the musk of cheeks, nor roses of the face,

لا ومسك اللمى وورد الخدود

1. Not the musk of cheeks, nor roses of the face,
Are like a meeting's day, not like the night of parting.

١. لا وَمِسكُ اللَمى وَوَردُ الخُدودِ
ما نَهارُ اللّقا كَلَيلِ الصُدودِ

2. No flowers are like the pearls of the mouth,
No Doe is like the moon of assemblies.

٢. لا وَلا الزَهرُ مِثلُ دُرِّ الثَنايا
لا وَلا السَمرُ مِثلُ بانِ القُدودِ

3. No full moon is like the morning of life,
No gift is like the seal of missives.

٣. لا وَلا البَدرُ مِثلُ صُبحِ المُحيّا
لا وَلا النَدُّ مِثلُ خَتمِ النُهودِ

4. If it be thus, I have hung my gazelle,
His eyes caught by hunting the lions.

٤. إِن يَكُن ذا فَقَد عَلِقتُ غَزالاً
عَلِقَت عَينُهُ بِصَيدِ الأُسودِ

5. A ban branch and a meadow's flower,
A wild cow, a human moon, a horizon's full moon.

٥. غُصنُ بانٍ وَزَهرُ رَوضِ جَمالٍ
ريمُ إِنسٍ وَبَدرُ أُفقِ سُعودِ