
An apple was gifted to him

تفاحة أهديت إليه

1. An apple was gifted to him
Red in the color of its cheeks

١. تُفّاحَةٌ أُهدِيَت إِلَيهِ
حَمراءُ في لَونِ وَجنَتَيهِ

2. He wished to kiss it, so it blushed
His mouth watered despite his resistance

٢. هَمَّ بِتَقبيلِها فَزارَت
فاهُ عَلى رَغمِ مُقلَتَيهِ

3. By God, oh blossom of my soul
Let me ask if your brows are sore

٣. بِاللَهِ يا زَهرَ مِحجَرَيهِ
دَعني أَسَل آسَ عارِضيهِ

4. Why did the kisses weep in it
With the knocking on the door of wishes upon it

٤. لِم باكَرَت أقحُوانُ فيهِ
بِقَرعِ بابِ المُنى عَلَيهِ

5. Perhaps one day
It shared the sweetness of its syrupy lips

٥. لَعَلَّهُ قَد أَعارَ يَوماً
نَكهَتَها طيبَ مَرشفَيهِ

6. So it wept in shyness
Turning its breaths toward him

٦. فَباكَرَتهُ عَلى حَياءٍ
تَصرفُ أَنفاسَهُ إِلَيهِ