
The prosperity with which time grew old,

سراء شب بها الزمان الأشيب

1. The prosperity with which time grew old,
And the sky of glory to which a star was added,

١. سَرّاءُ شَبَّ بِها الزَمانُ الأَشيَبُ
وَسَماءُ مَجدٍ زيدَ فيها كَوكَبُ

2. And the height of rank built with flowers,
Like a star but does not set,

٢. وَعلوُّ مَنزِلَةٍ تُشادُ بِأَزهَرٍ
كَالنَجمِ إِلا أَنَّهُ لا يَغرُبُ

3. Al-Walid's nature refuses, when it inclines
To the kindness of nurses and good carpenters.

٣. يَأبى لَهُ خلق الوَليدِ إِذا هَفا
كَرمُ المَراضِعِ وَالنِجارُ الطَيِّبُ

4. With his birth, virtues and dew were born,
And the club was adorned for him, and processions.

٤. وُلِدَت بِمَولِدِهِ المَكارِمُ وَالنَدى
وَتَأَهَّبَ النادي لَهُ وَالمَوكِبُ

5. I give you good tidings of the boy who is to us
A cub, and in meaning a victorious lion.

٥. بُشراكَ بِالطِفلِ الَّذي هُوَ عِندَنا
شِبلٌ وَفي المَعنى هِزَبرٌ أَغلَبُ

6. So congratulate yourself on the rising of a most fortunate star,
With whose charm time is adorned and admires.

٦. فَاِهنَأ بِهِ مِن طالِعٍ ذي أَسعُدٍ
يُزهى بِغُرَّتِهِ الزَمانُ وَيُعجَبُ

7. Sweet on the tip of the tongue, as if
It were honey and water - his eloquent utterance.

٧. يَحلو عَلى طَرَفِ اللِسانِ كَأَنَّما
عَسَلٌ وَماءٌ لَفظُها المُستَعذَبُ

8. You have reached, through the days, the farthest goals
That the generous seek and desire.

٨. بَلغَت بِكَ الأَيّامُ قاصِيَةَ المُنى
مِمّا تُحاوِلُهُ الكِرامُ وَتَطلُبُ