
If you were denying treachery, I would have said to you,

لو كنتم تنكرون الغدر قلت لكم

1. If you were denying treachery, I would have said to you,
O clan of Marwan, your rule flows from me,

١. لَو كُنتُم تُنكِرونَ الغَدرَ قُلتُ لَكُم
يا آلَ مَروانَ جاري مِنكُم الحَكَمُ

2. And I would take a solemn oath by Allah in the presence of witnesses,
Thereby fulfilling the covenants.

٢. وَأَتقيكُم يَمينَ اللَّهِ ضاحِيَةً
عِندَ الشُهودِ وَقَد تُوفي بِها الذِّمَمُ

3. Neither have I committed any wrong during your rule,
Nor does what preceded me seek vengeance.

٣. لا كُنتُ أَحدَثتُ سوءاً في إِمارَتِكُم
وَلا الَّذي فاتَ مِنِّي قَبلَ ينتقمُ

4. We are the ones, when you feared a covering darkness,
You said to us, "Through you we seek protection."

٤. نَحنُ الَّذينَ إِذا خِفتُم مُجَلِّلَةً
قُلتُم لَنا إِنَّنا مِنكُم لِتَعتَصِموا

5. Until when its thick clouds parted from you,
You became like a dried-up root, no god and no kin.

٥. حَتّى إِذا اِنفَرَجَت عَنكُم دُجُنَّتها
صِرتُم كَجَذمٍ فَلا إِلٌّ وَلا رَحِمُ