
I surely said to my daughter as she was

ولقد قلت لابنتي وهي تكوي

1. I surely said to my daughter as she was
Scorching with the embers of sorrows a gloomy heart,

١. وَلَقَد قُلتُ لابنَتي وَهيَ تَكوي
بِدَخيلِ الهُمومِ قَلباً كَئيبا

2. And she shed from her cheeks tears
Of the religion of the grief of parting's sunset,

٢. وَهيَ تَذري مِنَ الدُموعِ عَلى الخَدْ
دَينِ مِن لَوعَةِ الفِراقِ غُروبا

3. Tears that almost wounded or left in it scars
With what they inflicted or traces therein.

٣. عَبراتٍ يَكدنَ يَجرَحنَ ما جُز
نَ بِهِ أَو يَدَعنَ فيهِ نُدوبا

4. She feared that fate would strike down her father
And he would meet, among strangers, misfortune.

٤. حَذَرَ الحَتفِ أَن يصيبَ أَباها
وَيُلاقي في غَيرِ أَهلٍ شَعوبا

5. Be silent! You have wounded my heart with tears
As long as your tears wound hearts.

٥. أُسكُتي قَد حَزَزتِ بِالدَمعِ قَلبي
طالَما حَزَّ دَمعُكُنَّ القُلوبا

6. Perhaps God will defend me
From the suspicion you fear until I return.

٦. فَعَسى اللَّهُ أَن يُدافِعَ عَنّي
رَيبَ ما تَحذرينَ حَتّى أَؤوبا

7. There is nothing He of lofty attributes desires
For someone dear to Him, so call upon the Respondent,

٧. لَيسَ شَيءٌ يَشاؤُهُ ذو المَعالي
بعَزيزٍ عَلَيهِ فَاِدعي المُجيبا

8. And stop severing my heart right now
Or showing me torture on my journey.

٨. وَدَعي أَن تُقَطّعي الآنَ قَلبي
أَو تريني في رِحلَتي تَعذيبا

9. I am in the Grasp of God whether I am
Far from you or near you.

٩. أَنا في قَبضَةِ الإِلَهِ إِذا كُن
تُ بَعيداً أَو كُنتُ مِنكِ قَريبا

10. How often have we seen a man come from afar
And a resident in his deathbed get struck!

١٠. كَم رَأَينا اِمرأً أَتى مِن بَعيدٍ
وَمُقيماً على الفِراشِ أُصيبا

11. Let me be from your sobbing for I
Do not care if I am determined to weep.

١١. وَدَعيني مِن اِنتِحابِكِ إِنّي
لا أُبالي إِذا اِعتَزَمتُ النَحيبا

12. God suffices me, then I prepared for the journey
A prayer by which I obtain a mount.

١٢. حَسبِيَ اللَّهُ ثُمَّ قَرَّبتُ لِلسَي
رِ عَلاةً أَنجِب بِها مَركوبا