
O how few are the virtues of the prince I used to follow!

يا قل خير أمير كنت أتبعه

1. O how few are the virtues of the prince I used to follow!
Does he not frighten me, or does he not hope for me?

١. يا قَلَّ خَيرُ أَمير كُنتُ أَتبَعُهُ
أَلَيسَ يُرهِبُني أَم لَيسَ يَرجوني

2. Or does he not hope when the horses sniff the air
And swords fall on my shoulder as he calls me?

٢. أَم لَيسَ يَرجو إِذا ما الخَيلُ شَمَّصَها
وَقعُ الأَسِنَّةِ عَطفي حينَ يَدعوني

3. Do not think we forgot, however long ago it was,
The day at Tasa and the day at the muddy river.

٣. لا تَحسَبَنّا نَسينا مِن تَقادُمِهِ
يَوماً بِطاسى وَيَومَ النَهرِ ذي الطينِ

4. You made me hopes I was content with
Until you made me lower than them.

٤. مَنَّيتُموني أَمانِيّاً قَنَعتُ بِها
حَتّى إِذا ما جَعَلتُم مقنعاً دوني

5. Your hopes were winds from the north
That kept blowing against me in different directions.

٥. كانَت أَمانِيُّكُم ريحاً شَآمِيَّةً
ظَلَّت بِمُختَلِفِ الأَرواحِ تُؤذيني

6. So if I fall by the side of the sand dune, weakened,
I will blame each man for what he blamed me.

٦. فَإِن وَقَعتُ لِجَنبِ الرَملِ مُنقَصِفاً
أَولَيتُ كُلَّ اِمرِئٍ ما كانَ يُوليني