
The scholars of your religion, O Muhammad, have indulged

علماء دينك يا محمد قد لهو

1. The scholars of your religion, O Muhammad, have indulged
In religion until the laws were lost

١. علماء دينك يا محمد قد لهو
بالدين حتى ضاعت الأحكام

2. They abandoned thinking about what would make them prosper
As if their stagnation made them idols

٢. تركوا التفكر في أمور فلاحهم
فكأنهم بجمودهم أصنام

3. They do not speak the truth in a country that
Worships rulers other than your Lord

٣. لا ينطقون الحق في بلد به
من دون ربك تعبد الحكام

4. They circled the doors of the rulers just as
The pagans circled the idol’s shrine

٤. طافوا بباب أولي الامارة مثلما
طافت بباب كناسها الآرام

5. They remained seated below supreme values
While the rabbi races towards the supreme values

٥. تركوا المعالي قاعدين ودونهم
نحو المعالي يركض الحاخام

6. They sold their salvation for their homes
Oh pity them, illusions deceived them

٦. البائعون فلاحهم بدارهم
يا ويحهم خدعتهم الأوهام