
On the auspicious bird, O the best of all arrivals

على الطائر الميمون يا خير قادم

1. On the auspicious bird, O the best of all arrivals
Welcome, welcome to the most high and most noble one

١. عَلى الطائِرِ المَيمونِ يا خَيرَ قادِمٍ
وَأَهلاً وَسَهلاً بِالعُلى وَالمَكارِمِ

2. You have arrived, by the grace of Allah, the most generous of all arrivals
For ages to come, the remembrance of this day shall live through the seasons

٢. قَدِمتَ بِحَمدِ اللَهِ أَكرَمَ مَقدَمٍ
مَدى الدَهرِ يَبقى ذِكرُهُ في اَلمَواسِمِ

3. With your arrival, the world has lit up and become radiant
With the good news, or with the light of smiles

٣. قُدوماً بِهِ الدُنيا أَضاءَت وَأَشرَقَت
بِبِشرٍ وُجوهٍ أَو بِضَوءِ مَباسِمِ

4. The Most Merciful has not disappointed your efforts, for they
Are like the efforts of those hopeful for the removal of sins

٤. فَلا خَيَّبَ الرَحمَنُ سَعيَكَ إِنَّهُ
لَكَالسَعيِ لِلراجينَ حَطَّ المَآثِمِ

5. How many calamities you have relieved with just a few words
That prove true the effect of incantations and decisive acts

٥. فَكَم كُربَةٍ فَرَّجتَها بِمَقالَةٍ
تُصَدِّقُ تَأثيرَ الرُقى وَالعَزائِمِ

6. O the fine company in which you have arrived in full submission
And the sweetness of the gifts presented by gentle hands

٦. فَيا حُسنَ رَكبٍ جِئتَ فيهِ مُسَلِّماً
وَيا طيبَ ما أَهدَتهُ أَيدي الرَواسِمِ

7. This company, not like the old company of An-Numair
Nor like the company between An-Naqa and Al-Anaam

٧. هُوَ الرَكبُ لا رَكبُ النُمَيرِيُّ سالِفاً
وَلا الرَكبُ ما بَينَ النَقا وَالأَناعِمِ

8. My Master, forgive me, for you deserve it
And even if you do not forgive me, you would not be unjust

٨. أَمَولايَ سامِحني فَإِنَّكَ أَهلُهُ
وَإِن لَم تُسامِحني فَما أَنتَ ظالِمي

9. I wished I would be blessed by a glance from you
That would soothe the burning thirst in my love and longing

٩. وَدَدتُ بِأَنّي فُزتُ مِنكَ بِنَظرَةٍ
تَبُلُّ غَليلاً في الحَشا وَالحَيازِمِ

10. But the need to see you has overcome me
So when inclined towards something, it becomes my opinion and decision

١٠. وَلَكِن عَراني أَن أَراكَ ضَرورَةٌ
إِذا رُمتُ أَمراً فَهيَ رَأيي وَحاكِمي

11. By Allah, my affectionate covenants have not changed
And this is an oath in which I have no blame

١١. وَوَاللَهِ ما حالَت عُهودُ مَوَدَّتي
وَتِلكَ يَمينٌ لَستُ فيها بِآثِمِ

12. Staying in place while my heart travels with you
Perhaps you would accept it for some formalities

١٢. مُقيمٌ وَقَلبي في رِحالِكَ سائِرٌ
لَعَلَّكَ تَرضاهُ لِبَعضِ المَراسِمِ

13. Your loyal one, if needing to represent, I would adorn the best representative
And if needing to serve, I would advise the most sincere server

١٣. وَلِيُّكَ إِن يَمثُل فَأَزيَنُ ماثِلٍ
لَدَيكَ وَإِن يَخدُم فَأَنصَحُ خادِمِ

14. And if you were asking about him, you would have found him
At your blessed door, the first to arrive

١٤. وَلو كُنتَ عَنهُ سائِلاً لَوَجَدتَهُ
عَلى بابِكَ المَيمونِ أَوَّلَ قادِمِ

15. Else ask your riding company in the darkness
They have certainly been cleared of sin by his blessings during the seasons

١٥. وَإِلّا فَسَل عَنهُ رِكابَكَ في الدُجى
لَقَد بُرِيَت مِن لَثمِهِ لِلمَناسِمِ