1. Show me your face in the morning
And heal me with a glance
١. أَرِني وَجهَكَ بُكرَه
وَاِشفِني مِنكَ بِنَظرَه
2. And bestow upon me as you once
Did the first time
٢. وَتَفَضَّل مِثلَ ماقَد
كُنتَ لي أَوَّلَ مَرَّه
3. And come listen to a tale
That does not exaggerate in its telling
٣. وَتَعالَ اِسمَع حَديثاً
هُوَ مايَغلو بِسَفرَه
4. And in short, make haste
Let there be no delay with you
٤. وَعَلى الجُملَةِ بادِر
لايَكُن عِندَكَ فَترَه
5. And if the chance is missed
Sorrow remains in the heart
٥. وَإِذا الفُرصَةُ فاتَت
بَقيتَ في القَلبِ حَسرَه