1. The signs of Your glory have no change
And the height of Your worth has no access
١. آياتُ مَجدِكَ مالَها تَبديلُ
وَعُلُوُّ قَدرِكَ ما إِلَيهِ سَبيلُ
2. Your attributes transcended every past generation
So what of this generation?!
٢. فاقَت صِفاتُكَ كُلَّ جيلٍ قَد مَضى
في العالَمينَ فَكَيفَ هَذا الجيلُ
3. Actions have testified to You of the grace that
All people other than You are intruding upon
٣. شَهِدَت لَكَ الأَفعالُ بِالفَضلِ الَّذي
كُلُّ الأَنامِ سِواكَ فيهِ دَخيلُ
4. People were amazed by every glory You took possession of
Which likening and representations does not contain
٤. ذَهَلَ الأَنامُ لِكُلِّ مَجدٍ حُزتَهُ
لَم يَحوِهِ التَشبيهُ وَالتَمثيلُ
5. An army has gained might with You as one of its commanders
And affairs of regions end up to You
٥. قَد عَزَّ جَيشٌ أَنتَ مِن أُمَرائِهِ
وَأُمورُ إِقليمٍ إِلَيكَ تَؤولُ
6. No determination departs from You if an affliction intensifies
A day in which it recoils, nor do assumptions fail
٦. لا العَزمُ مِنكَ إِذا تُلِمُّ مُلِمَّةٌ
يَوماً يُفَلُّ وَلا الظُنونُ تَفيلُ
7. You held back the course of fate after its audacity
So it is as though it is a chained rebel
٧. وَكَفَفتَ صَرفَ الدَهرِ بَعدَ جِماحِهِ
فَكَأَنَّما هُوَ مارِدٌ مَغلولُ
8. Goodness is attributed to You without a disputant
And good-doers, as You know, are few
٨. يُعزى لَكَ الإِحسانُ غَيرَ مُدافِعٍ
وَالمُحسِنونَ كَما عَلِمتَ قَليلُ
9. A hopeful seeks no means to You
Except hope, and that You are the Expectation
٩. لا يَبتَغي الراجي إِلَيكَ وَسيلَةً
إِلّا الرَجاءَ وَأَنَّكَ المَأمولُ
10. It suffices a person who has succeeded with a promise from You
For when You promise, then You are the Fulfiller
١٠. حَسبُ اِمرِئٍ قَد فازَ مِنكَ بِمَوعِدٍ
فَإِذا وَعَدتَ فَأَنتَ إِسمَعيلُ
11. O You whose mention amongst people ongoing
Like the sun whose light emerges and revolves
١١. يامَن لَهُ في الناسِ ذِكرٌ سائِرٌ
كَالشَمسِ يُشرِقُ نورُها وَتَحولُ
12. And ready gifts ongoing
No journey nor departure ends for them
١٢. وَمَواهِبٌ حَضَرِيَّةٌ سَيّارَةٌ
لايَنقَضي سَفَرٌ لَها وَرَحيلُ
13. And traits like a garden its breeze blew gently
So its hem flowed and its train was wet
١٣. وَخَلائِقٌ كَالرَوضِ رَقَّ نَسيمُهُ
فَسَرى وَذَيلُ قَميصِهِ مَبلولُ
14. And a recitation that illuminates darkness with its lights
Adorned with arrangement and measured tone
١٤. وَتِلاوَةٌ يَجلو الدُجى أَنوارُها
قَد زانَها التَرتيبُ وَالتَرتيلُ
15. And when he assumed devotion in the darkness, his self-sufficiency
Is from the light of the radiance of his face as a lantern
١٥. وَإِذا تَهَجَّدَ في الظَلامِ فَحَسبُهُ
مِن نورِ غُرَةِ وَجهِهِ قِنديلُ
16. The subtleties of his righteousness have filled his times
So his era from other than it is busied
١٦. مَلَأَت لَطائِفُ بِرِّهِ أَوقاتَهُ
فَزَمانُهُ عَن غَيرِهِ مَشغولُ
17. This is the ultimate which none pretend to have
Alas! Not all men are heroes
١٧. هَذا هُوَ الخَرَفُ الَّذي لا يُدَّعى
هَيهاتَ ماكُلُّ الرِجالِ فُحولُ
18. His days cloaked times with beauties
As though for him they are precious jewels
١٨. أَيّامُهُ كَسَتِ الزَمانَ مَحاسِناً
فَكَأَنَّها غُرَرٌ لَهُ وَحُجولُ
19. The market of every virtue spent away with him
And virtue in this age is excess
١٩. نَفَقَت لَدَيهِ سوقُ كُلِّ فَضيلَةٍ
وَالفَضلُ في هَذا الزَمانِ فُضولُ
20. From a folk, best of creation are they
Branches blossomed from them and roots
٢٠. مِن مَعشَرٍ خَيرُ البَرِيَّةِ مِنهُمُ
كَرُمَت فُروعٌ مِنهُمُ وَأُصولُ
21. Whoever receives from them receives most glorious nobility
Forever undulating against enemies and everlasting
٢١. مَن تَلقَ مِنهُم تَلقَ أَروَعَ ماجِداً
أَبَداً يَصولُ عَلى العِدى وَيَطولُ
22. Same are his supporters, and his modernity, and his quenching, and his sword polished in a stand
In it the sword's blade bends while the scabbard tilts
٢٢. سِيّانِ مِنهُ قَوامُهُ وَقَناتُهُ
وَرَواؤُهُ وَحُسامُهُ المَصقولُ
23. O You Who when good begins restores it
So Your goodness is linked by Your goodness
٢٣. في مَوقِفٍ خَدُّ الحُسامِ مَوَرَّدٌ
فيهِ وَأَعطافُ القَناةِ تَميلُ
24. O my Master, supplication of one who prolonged estrangement from You
And verily unto Your estrangement, he is reaching out indeed
٢٤. يامَن إِذا بَدَأَ الجَميلَ أَعادَهُ
فَجَميلُهُ بِجَميلِهِ مَوصولُ
25. A slave owned prays to You having bored of him
It is I, that slave owned, and that slave given
٢٥. مَولايَ دِعوَةُ مَن أَطَلتَ جَفاءَهُ
وَعَلى جَفائِكَ إِنَّهُ لَوَصولُ
26. Be however You wish for You are the Most Agreeable
So my passion for You undergoes no change
٢٦. يَدعوكَ مَملوكٌ أَراكَ مَلَلتَهُ
أَنا ذَلِكَ المَملوكُ وَالمَملولُ
27. I am who You have known and I do not increase for You a witness
Is there after Your knowledge any acceptable witness?
٢٧. كُن كَيفَ شِئتَ فَأَنتَ أَنتَ المُرتَضى
فَهَوايَ فيكَ هَوايَ لَيسَ يَحولُ
28. I blame myself for an era I severed with You
And as though I am a resident of the two (life and death) realms
٢٨. أَنا مَن عَلِمتَ وَلا أَزيدُكَ شاهِداً
هَل بَعدَ عِلمِكَ شاهِدٌ مَقبولُ
29. And as though the predawn hours from it are ambergris
And as though the evenings from it are aromatic plants
٢٩. أَسَفي عَلى زَمَنٍ لَدَيكَ قَطَعتُهُ
وَكَأَنَّني لِلفَرقَدَينِ نَزيلُ
30. An era in which cries of grief for its loss are few
Even if my tears were the Tigris River and the Nile!
٣٠. وَكَأَنَّما الأَسحارُ مِنهُ عَنبَرٌ
وَكَأَنَّما الآصالُ مِنهُ شُمولُ
31. And when I attributed with my service to You as preceded
Then it is to me an elevated status and tribe
٣١. زَمَنٌ يَقِلُّ لَهُ البُكاءُ لِفَقدِهِ
وَلَوَ اِنَّ دَمعي دِجلَةٌ وَالنيلُ
32. Events recoil to mention to me and as though below me a spear and pincer
This is the discipline I cultivated
٣٢. وَإِذا اِنتَسَبتُ بِخِدمَتي لَكَ سابِقاً
فَكَأَنَّها لِيَ مَعشَرٌ وَقَبيلُ
33. So its blossoming garden left to waste quaked from it
The garden I gained virtue from blossoming
٣٣. تَرتَدُّ عَنّي الحادِثاتُ بِذِكرِها
وَكَأَنَّها دوني قَناً وَنُصولُ
34. And I abandoned it until desolation overcame it
I left it thirsty when You were aloof and oft
٣٤. هَذا هُوَ الأَدَبُ الَّذي أَنشَأتُهُ
فَاِهتَزَّ مِنهُ رَوضُهُ المَطلولُ
35. I quenched it from the deluge of Your hands
Imposing upon You when You dismissed it
٣٥. رَوضٌ جَنَيتُ الفَضلَ مِنهُ يانِعاً
وَهَجَرتُهُ حَتّى عَلاهُ ذُبولُ
36. So good is the imposition in Your love
I suspended it when You turned from it
٣٦. أَظمَأتُهُ لَمّا جَفَوتَ وَطالَما
أَسقَتهُ مِن نُعمى يَدَيكَ سُيولُ
37. And deviation is not from my doctrine
And I congratulated an occasion lasting as long as Your Eid returned
٣٧. وافاكَ إِذ أَقصَيتَهُ مُتَطَفِّلاً
ياحَبَّذا في حُبِّكَ التَطفيلُ
38. And unto it from You is might and acceptance
You remained the Glory of the religion, a thousand substitutes like it
٣٨. عَطَّلتُهُ لَمّا رَأَيتُكَ مُعرِضاً
عَنهُ وَما مِن مَذهَبي التَعطيلُ
39. And Your Excellent and Expectant Self
The garments of every eulogy are too short for You
٣٩. وَتَهَنَّ عيداً دامَ عيدُكَ عائِداً
وَعَلَيهِ مِنكَ جَلالَةٌ وَقَبولُ
40. And their trains over others are lengthening
Know that I am incapable of Your attributes
٤٠. وَبَقَيتَ مَجدَ الدينِ أَلفاً مِثلَهُ
وَجَنابُكَ المَأهولُ وَالمَأمولُ
41. And pardon me and whatever he can recite
I am one who blames misers, yet lo upon You I am miserly
٤١. قَصُرَت عَلَيكَ ثِيابُ كُلِّ مَديحَةٍ
وَذُيولُهُنَّ عَلى سِواكَ تَطولُ
42. This is the jewel from whose sea
You ceaselessly bestow upon us and serve
٤٢. وَاِعلَم بِأَنّي عَن صِفاتِكَ عاجِزٌ
وَاِعذِر سِوايَ وَما عَساهُ يَقولُ
٤٣. أَنا مَن يَذُمُّ الباخِلينَ وَإِنَّني
بِنَظيرِها إِلّا عَلَيكَ بَخيلُ
٤٤. هَذا هُوَ الدُرُّ الَّذي مِن بَحرِهِ
مازِلتَ تَبذُلُهُ لَنا وَتُنيلُ