
I reproach you, O people of my love, though

أعاتبكم يا أهل ودي وقد بدت

1. I reproach you, O people of my love, though
Signs of aloofness from you have appeared, and boredom.

١. أُعاتِبُكُم يا أَهلَ وُدّي وَقَد بَدَت
دَلائِلُ صَدٍّ مِنكُمُ وَمَلالِ

2. And I excuse you - I became burdensome until you were bored,
And I was excessive in my repeated turning away.

٢. وَأَعذُرُكُم ثَقَّلتُ حَتّى مَلَلتُمُ
وَأَسرَفتُمُ في هَجرِيَ المُتَوالي

3. So he belittled me who was honored in my eyes,
And he made light of me who was dear to me.

٣. فَهَوَّنَني مَن كانَ عِندي مُكَرَّماً
وَأَرخَصَني مَن كانَ عِندِيَ غالي

4. I will bear from you anything involving hardship,
And will be content, despite adversity, with fantasy.

٤. سَأَحمِلُ عَنكُم كُلَّ ما فيهِ كُلفَةٌ
وَأَقنَعُ مِنكُم في الكَرى بِخَيالِ

5. That love between me and you will be secure,
So I care about nothing but it.

٥. لَيَسلَمَ ذاكَ الوُدُّ بَيني وَبَينَكُم
فَلَستُ عَلى شَيءٍ سِواهُ أُبالي

6. And as long as I live, O people of perfection,
My greetings and questions will come to you.

٦. وَيَأتيكُمُ ما عِشتُ يا آلَ كامِلٍ
سَلامي عَليكُم دائِماً وَسُؤالي

7. And strangely, I reproach the kindness which
Is always bestowed on me by me.

٧. وَمِن عَجَبٍ عَتبي عَلى الحَسَنِ الَّذي
لَدَيَّ وَعِندي جودُهُ مُتَوالِ

8. But coldness appeared from it, which saddened me -
Something that had never crossed my mind.

٨. وَلَكِن بَدا مِنهُ جَفاءٌ فَساءَني
وَذَلِكَ شَيءٌ لَم يَمُرَّ بِبالي

9. If he forgets my pact, I won't forget his pacts,
And if he asks about me, I won't ask about him.

٩. فَإِن يَنسَ عَهدي لَستُ أَنسى عُهودَهُ
وَإِن يَسلُ عَنّي لَستُ عَنهُ بِسالِ