
You own my soul and body

لكم الروح والبدن

1. You own my soul and body
You own my secret and my public

١. لَكُمُ الروحُ وَالبَدَن
لَكُمُ السِرُّ وَالعَلَن

2. I'm all yours it seems
My masters, for whom could I be

٢. أَنا كُلّي لَكُم تُرى
سادَتي أَنتُمُ لِمَن

3. I'm a slave you've bought
Without pay, but priceless indeed

٣. أَنا عَبدٌ شَرَيتُمو
هُ وَلَكِن بِلا ثَمَن

4. The desire for you has never ceased
Wrapping me to the burial shroud

٤. لَم يَزَل بي مِنَ القِما
طِ هَواكُم إِلى الكَفَن

5. Without you there is for me
Neither peace nor rest

٥. لَيسَ لي بَعدَ بُعدِكُم
لا سُكونٌ وَلا سَكَن

6. So have mercy today on a lover
Held hostage by separation

٦. فَاِرحَموا اليَومَ عاشِقاً
في يَدِ البَينِ مُرتَهَن

7. No religious duties performed
Lost in desire for you, no traditions kept

٧. لا فُروضاً أَضاعَها
في هَواكُم وَلا سُنَن

8. I have a beloved I worshipped
Woe to one who worships an idol

٨. لي حَبيبٌ عَبَدتُهُ
وَيحَ مَن يَعبُدُ الوَثَن

9. His face brings together
Sorrow and melancholy for the heart

٩. وَجهُهُ يَجمَعُ المَسَر
رَةَ لِلقَلبِ وَالحَزَن

10. He is to beauty a rising light
In which seditions appear

١٠. هُوَ لِلحُسنِ مَشرِقٌ
فيهِ قَد تَظهَرُ الفِتَن

11. Oh my darling, you have contained
Every kind of beauty

١١. يا حَبيبي لَقَد حَوَي
تَ مِنَ الحُسنِ كُلَّ فَن

12. You are my eyes and most precious
To my eyes than necklaces

١٢. أَنتَ عَيني وَأَنتَ أَح
لى لِعَيني مِنَ الوَسَن

13. How many favors I count
For you, and how many gifts

١٣. كَم إِيادٍ أَعُدُّها
لَكَ عِندي وَكَم مِنَن

14. It's ugly, by your right, to lack
Patience from your beautiful face

١٤. وَقَبيحٌ وَحَقِّكَ ال
صَبرُ عَن وَجهِكَ الحَسَن