1. I yearn for the days of Muhassab from Mina
And a life whose shade was luxurious
١. أَحِنُّ إِلى عَهدِ المُحَصَّبِ مِن مِنىً
وَعَيشٍ بِهِ كانَت تُرِفُّ ظِلالُهُ
2. How excellent was its water and its breeze
How excellent were its pebbles and its sands
٢. وَيا حَبَّذا أَمواهُهُ وَنَسيمُهُ
وَيا حَبَّذا حَصباؤُهُ وَرِمالُهُ
3. Oh how I grieve that its sanctuary has drifted from me
Oh how sad I am that its gazelle has disappeared from me
٣. وَيا أَسَفي إِذ شَطَّ عَنّي مَزارُهُ
وَيا حَزَني إِذ غابَ عَنّي غَزالُهُ
4. And how much purity I have between the two hills
And a full moon surrounded by its halos
٤. وَكَم لِيَ بَينَ المَروَتَينِ لُبانَةٌ
وَبَدرُ تَمامٍ قَد حَوَتهُ حِجالُهُ
5. Resident in my heart wherever I was, the subject of its talk
Fading from my eyes wherever its imagination went
٥. مُقيمٌ بِقَلبي حَيثُ كُنتُ حَديثُهُ
وَبادٍ لِعَيني حَيثُ سِرتُ خَيالُهُ
6. And I remember the days of Hejaz and it makes me collapse
As if I were a fallen man beset by his delusions
٦. وَأَذكُرُ أَيّامَ الحِجازِ وَأَنثَني
كَأَنّي صَريعٌ يَعتَريهِ خَبالُهُ
7. And oh my friend at Khayf, be for me an ascent
When it is time for those pilgrims to depart
٧. وَياصاحِبي بِالخَيفِ كُن لِيَ مَصعَداً
إِذا آنَ مِن ذاكَ الحَجيجِ اِرتِحالُهُ
8. And take the side of the valley thus on its right
Where the canal shakes from it its length
٨. وَخُذ جانِبَ الوادي كَذا عَن يَمينِهِ
بِحَيثُ القَنا يَهتَزُّ مِنهُ طِوالُهُ
9. There you see a house for Zaynab gleaming
When you come its majesty will not be hidden from you
٩. هُناكَ تَرى بَيتاً لِزَينَبَ مُشرِقاً
إِذا جِئتَ لا يَخفى عَلَيكَ جَلالُهُ
10. Then say reciting a verse, and who has tasted the like
In the neighborhood of a neighbor who knew not how to gain access
١٠. فَقُل ناشِداً بَيتاً وَمَن ذاقَ مِثلَهُ
لَدى جيرَةٍ لَم يَدرِ كَيفَ اِحتِيالُهُ
11. And be thus until you find an opportunity
By which you attain what you sought and obtain it
١١. وَكُن هَكَذا حَتّى تُصادِفَ فُرصَةً
تُصيبُ بِها ما رُمتَهُ وَتَنالُهُ
12. Then mention me wherever you hear Zaynab
And say no hour passes her by without her worries
١٢. فَعَرِّض بِذِكري حَيثُ تَسمَعُ زَينَبٌ
وَقُل لَيسَ يَخلو ساعَةً مِنكِ بالُهُ
13. Perhaps when my mention passes by her hearing
She will say "So-and-so, how is his state among you all?"
١٣. عَساها إِذا ما مَرَّ ذِكري بِسَمعِها
تَقولُ فُلانٌ عِندَكُم كَيفَ حالُهُ