
Peace be upon the one I do not name

على من لا أسميه السلام

1. Peace be upon the one I do not name
A beloved who has enthralled all people

١. عَلى مَن لا أُسَمّيهِ السَلامُ
حَبيبٌ فيهِ قَد ضَجَّ الأَنامُ

2. Graceful, everything about him graceful
Graceful, the full moon is imperfect beside him

٢. مَليحٌ كُلَّ ما فيهِ مَليحٌ
مَليحٌ دونَهُ البَدرُ التَمامُ

3. I have a time I conceal my passion from him
And my heart toward him pours ardent love

٣. وَلي زَمَنٌ أُكاتِمُهُ هَواهُ
وَقَلبي فيهِ صَبُّ مُستَهامُ

4. I kiss his hand longing for him
When modesty keeps me from him

٤. أُقَبِّلُ كَفَّهُ شَوقاً لَفيهِ
إِذا ماصَدَّني عَنهُ اِحتِشامُ

5. And I ask him but he doesn't utter a word
As if answering my question were forbidden

٥. وَأَسأَلَهُ وَلَيسَ يُرَدُّ حَرفاً
كَأَنَّ جَوابَ مَسأَلَتي حَرامُ

6. He looks away, not speaking to me coquettishly
Then his smile defeats that aloofness

٦. وَيُعرِضُ لا يُكَلِّمُني دَلالاً
فَيَغلِبُهُ عَلى ذاكَ اِبتِسامُ

7. As if drunk from intense bewilderment
And wine has toyed with his sweetness

٧. كَأَنَّ بِهِ لِفَرطِ التيهِ سُكراً
وَقَد لَعِبَت بِعَطفَيهِ المُدامُ

8. So my master, how can you seek to kill me
When I have a right upon you and a bond?

٨. فَيا مَولايَ كَيفَ تُريدُ قَتلي
وَلي حَقٌّ عَلَيكَ وَلي ذِمامُ

9. Since you are my soul as well as myself
You see I would perish, and none else is to blame

٩. إِذا ماكُنتَ أَنتَ وَأَنتَ روحي
تَرى تَلَفي فَغَيرُكَ لا يُلامُ

10. I asked something of you but you were silent about it
And I have a year I repeat it, and a year

١٠. سَأَلتُكَ حاجَةً فَسَكَتَّ عَنها
وَلي عامٌ أُرَدِّدُها وَعامُ

11. So give me the answer with what you see fit
And speak to me, for speech is not prohibited

١١. فَرُدَّ لِيَ الجَوابَ بِما تَراهُ
وَكَلِّمني فَما حَرُمَ الكَلامُ

12. And this explains my state, peace

١٢. وَها أَنا قَد كَشَفتُ إِلَيكَ سِرّي
وَهَذا شَرحُ حالي وَالسَلامُ