
Heavy as though

وثقيل كأنما

1. Heavy as though
The angel of death were near him.

١. وَثَقيلٍ كَأَنَّما
مَلَكُ المَوتِ قُربُهُ

2. None among all people
Would you find who loves him.

٢. لَيسَ في الناسِ كُلُّهُم
مَن تَراهُ يُحِبُّهُ

3. If you mentioned his name over
Water, it would not go down smoothly.

٣. لَو ذَكَرتَ اِسمَهُ عَلى ال
ماءِ ما ساغَ شُربُهُ