
The slave congratulates you on the tenth, the month

يهنئك المملوك بالعشر والشهر

1. The slave congratulates you on the tenth, the month
And on the Feast of Sacrifice, O King of the Age

١. يُهَنِّئُكَ المَملوكُ بِالعَشرِ وَالشَهرِ
وَبِالعيدِ عيدِ النَحرِ يا مَلِكَ العَصرِ

2. And he concludes with the noble knowledge that
You are true and sincere openly and in secret

٢. وَيُنهي إِلى العِلمِ الشَريفِ بِأَنَّهُ
عَلى قَدَمِ الإِخلاصِ في السِرِّ وَالجَهرِ

3. And here I am, praying to God for you always
With the five prayers, the sunnah, and the witr

٣. وَها أَنا ذا أَدعو لَكَ اللَهَ دائِماً
مَعَ الصَلَواتِ الخَمسِ وَالشَفعِ وَالوِترِ

4. And I hope that if I live for you for some time
You will remain in pleasant memory

٤. وَآمَلُ أَنّي إِن أَعِش لَكَ مُدَّةً
سَتَبقى لَكَ الأَيّامُ في طَيِّبِ الذِكرِ

5. And I do hope your generosity will encompass me
Soon according to your care for me, not my worth

٥. وَإِنّي لَأَرجو أَنَّ جودَكَ شامِلي
قَريباً عَلى قَدرِ اِهتِمامَكَ لا قَدري

6. And indeed if you favor me with your boons
Then I will be devoted to prayers and thanks for you

٦. وَإِنَّكَ إِن أَولَيتَني مِنكَ أَنعُماً
فَإِنّي مَلِيٌّ بِالدُعاءِ وَبِالشُكرِ

7. They will strengthen my resolve and empower my hand
Increase my worth and multiply my dignity

٧. تَشُدُّ بِها أَزري وَتَقوى بِها يَدي
تُعِزُّ بِها قَدري تُزيدُ بِها وَقري

8. What missed me in the spring of life
May you compensate it for me in its autumn

٨. لَعَلَّ الَّذي في أَوَّلِ العُمرِ فاتَني
تُعَوِّضُنيهِ أَنتَ في آخِرِ العُمرِ

9. Would that the lives of all people be sacrificed for you
And my life be the first of them in mentioning you

٩. وَيالَيتَ أَعمارَ الأَنامِ لَكَ الفِدا
وَأَوَّلُهُم عُمري وَأَسبَقُهُم ذِكري