
I have a love who shall not be named,

لي حبيب لايسمى

1. I have a love who shall not be named,
And a tale that shall not be told,

١. لي حَبيبٌ لايُسَمّى
وَحَديثٌ لايُفَسَّر

2. The lovesick one grew weary relating
The story of my passion and was confounded.

٢. تَعِبَ العاذِلُ في قِصَّ
ةِ وَجدي وَتَحَيَّر

3. Oh would that I were able to speak -
Perhaps I could offer some excuse!

٣. آهِ لَو أَمكَنَني القَو
لُ لَعَلّي كُنتُ أُعذَر

4. I cannot be pleased that my love
Is known amongst the people,

٤. لَستُ أَرضى لِحَبيبي
أَنَّهُ لِلناسِ يُذكَر

5. Though he is well-known, but
He is an infamous notoriety.

٥. وَهوَ مَعروفٌ وَلَكِن
هُوَ مَعروفٌ مُنَكَّر

6. He is a gazelle, so when I call him
To meet me, he shies away.

٦. هُوَ ظَبيٌ فَإِذا ما
سُمتُهُ الوَصلَ تَنَمَّر

7. Thus you see my tears flow
And my tongue stumbles over itself.

٧. فَتَرى دَمعي يَجري
وَلِساني يَتَعَثَّر

8. My lord, do not listen to the slanderer
Even if he says much more.

٨. سَيِّدي لاتُصغِ لِلوا
شي وَإِن قالَ فَأَكثَر

9. For my words are not what
The slanderer supposed and judged.

٩. فَحَديثي غَيرُ ما قَد
ظَنَّهُ الواشي وَقَدَّر

10. Surely the sin of betrayal in love
Is a sin that cannot be forgiven.

١٠. إِنَّ ذَنبَ الغَدرِ في الحُب
بِ لَذَنبٌ لا يُكَفَّر

11. My complaining has become long
And hearing it constantly repeated is tiring,

١١. طالَتِ الشَكوى وَمَلَّ ال
سَمعُ مِمّا يَتَكَرَّر

12. My life has passed and my state
Remains unchanged.

١٢. وَاِنقَضى عُمُري وَحالي
هُوَ حالي ماتَغَيَّر