
The beloved reproached though I found no reason for that reproof happening

عتب الحبيب ولم أجد

1. The beloved reproached though I found no reason for that reproof happening
And today makes two days I did not see him and this is the third

١. عَتَبَ الحَبيبُ وَلَم أَجِد
سَبَباً لِذاكَ العَتبِ حادِث

2. So I wondered how his gentle manners changed
I did not expect he would be one whom events make change

٢. وَاليَومَ لي يَومانِ لَم
أَرَهُ وَهَذا اليَومُ ثالِث

3. And I find pleasure in the reproof which the sincerity of love incites
The reproof of a beloved is sweeter than the melody of lutes and harpsichords

٣. فَعَجِبتُ كَيفَ تَغَيَّرَت
مِنهُ خَلائِقُهُ الدَمائِث

4. My master, you were frivolous from the inebriation of intimacy
And the drunkard is frivolous

٤. ما كُنتُ أَحسَبُ أَنَّهُ
مِمَّن تُغَيّرُهُ الحَوادِث

5. You broke a pact of love that I did not expect you would break
You have an issue I’m sure, about which I’m questioning and searching

٥. وَيَلَذُّ لِيَ العَتبُ الَّذي
صِدقُ الوَدادِ عَلَيهِ باعِث

٦. عَتبُ الحَبيبِ أَلَذُّ مِن
نَغَمِ المثاني وَالمَثالِث

٧. مَولايَ مِن سُكرِ الدَلا
لِ عَبِثتَ وَالسَكرانُ عابِث

٨. وَنَكَثتَ عَهداً في الهَوى
ما خِلتُ أَنَّكَ فيهِ ناكِث

٩. لَكَ لا أَشُكُّ قَضِيَّةٌ
أَنا سائِلٌ عَنها وَباحِث