1. Shall I leave Egypt, its pleasant comforts,
To yearn thereafter for any other place?
١. أَأَرحَلُ مِن مِصرٍ وَطيبِ نَعيمِها
فَأَيُّ مَكانٍ بَعدَها لِيَ شائِقُ
2. Shall I abandon a homeland, though parted from it,
That is sweet - no matter what its absence makes bitter?
٢. وَأَترُكُ أَوطاناً ثَراها لِناشِقٍ
هُوَ الطيبُ لاما ضُمَّنَتهُ المَفارِقُ
3. How could I, now that its loveliness is a paradise,
Its plains scattered with groves, its thickets with lotus flowers?
٣. وَكَيفَ وَقَد أَضحَت مِنَ الحُسنِ جَنَّةً
زَرابِيُّها مَبثوثَةٌ وَالنَمارِقُ
4. A land that delights the eye and gladdens the heart with joy,
Bringing together all the righteous and sinful could desire,
٤. بِلادٌ تَروقُ العَينَ وَالقَلبَ بَهجَةً
وَتَجمَعُ مايَهوى تَقِيٌّ وَفاسِقُ
5. And brothers of sincerity, whose excellence binds them together,
Their gatherings filled with all that gardens encompass;
٥. وَإِخوانَ صِدقٍ يَجمَعُ الفَضلُ شَملَهُم
مَجالِسُهُم مِمّا حَوَوهُ حَدائِقُ
6. Shall I settle in Egypt, if God fulfills my wish,
When pacts have been made between us, and covenants?
٦. أَسُكّانَ مِصرٍ إِن قَضى اللَهُ بِالنَوى
فَثَمَّ عُهودٌ بَينَنا وَمَواثِقُ
7. Do not, then, speak of it to the breeze, for it
Is wont to steal from meadows their sweetest scent.
٧. فَلا تَذكُروها لِلنَسيمِ فَإِنَّهُ
لِأَمثالِها مِن نَفحَةِ الرَوضِ سارِقُ
8. How my eyes with tears are worn, my heart torn
By parting, each day renewing my fervent yearning!
٨. إِلى كَم جُفوني بِالدُموعِ قَريحَةٌ
وَحَتّامَ قَلبي بِالتَفَرُّقِ خافِقُ
9. In every place I am parted from one beloved,
And time will bring a parting more grievous still.
٩. فَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ لي حَنينٌ مُجَدَّدٌ
وَفي كُلِّ أَرضٍ لي حَبيبٌ مُفارِقُ
10. Why should I hasten toward it, overtake it?
It is my nature to grow used to friends, and rue their loss.
١٠. سَتَأتي مَعَ الأَيّامِ أَعظَمُ فُرقَةٍ
فَما لِيَ أَسعى نَحوَها وَأُسابِقُ
11. A bird startles me to sadness in the thicket,
Lightning kindles my lament in the darkness.
١١. وَمِن خُلُقي أَنّي أَلوفٌ وَأَنَّهُ
يَطولُ اِلتِفاتي لِلَّذينَ أُفارِقُ
12. I swear by all the homes from which I’ve parted
On earth, remembering them with tears outpoured!
١٢. يُحَرِّكُ وَجدي في الأَراكَةِ طائِرٌ
وَيَبعَثُ شَجوي في الدُجَنَّةِ بارِقُ
13. When I journey far, manners console me
That I should leave, yet nothing leaves me.
١٣. وَأُقسِمُ مافارَقتُ في الأَرضِ مَنزِلاً
وَيَذكَرُ إِلّا وَالدُموعُ سَوابِقُ
14. I have the passion of lovers in verse alone -
All else divorced from me would loathe a bond.
١٤. وَعِندي مِنَ الآدابِ في البُعدِ مُؤنِسٌ
أُفارِقُ أَوطاني وَليسَ يُفارِقُ
15. My words enchant all listeners,
Loved even by secluded ladies in their bowers.
١٥. وَلي صَبوَةُ العُشّاقِ في الشِعرِ وَحدَهُ
وَأَمّا سِواها فَهيَ مِنِّيَ طالِقُ
16. Needing no melodies to grace them,
They build shrines for themselves and burst all fetters.
١٦. كَلامي الَّذي يَصبو لَهُ كُلُّ سامِعٍ
وَيَهواهُ حَتّى في الخُدورِ العَواتِقُ
17. Each person takes from them what suits him,
Matching his nature, fulfilling his hopes.
١٧. كَلامي غَنِيٌّ عَن لُحونٍ تَزينُهُ
لَهُ مَعبَدٌ مِن نَفسِهِ وَمُخارِقُ
18. They entertain the cheerful, and mystics in devotion,
Those craving needs petition with them, lovers implore.
١٨. لِكُلِّ اِمرِئٍ مِنهُ نَصيبٌ يَخُصُّهُ
يُلائِمُ ما في طَبعِهِ وَيُوافِقُ
19. Yet for whatever has flowed freely from them, I blame them -
Can they not reunite those parted by the years?
١٩. تُغَنّي بِهِ النُدمانُ وَهوَ فُكاهَةٌ
وَيُنشِدُهُ الصوفيُّ وَهوَ رَقائِقُ
20. I did not speak my verses to seek renown,
Confident I stand in virtue’s ornament.
٢٠. بِهِ يَقتَضي الحاجاتِ مَن هُوَ طالِبٌ
وَيَستَعطِفُ الأَحبابَ مَن هُوَ عاشِقُ
21. Shall I seek God’s provision from other than Him,
And seek bounty from mankind when God is the Provider?
٢١. وَإِنّي عَلى ما سارَ مِنهُ لَعاتِبٌ
أَلَيسَ بِهِ لِلبَينِ تُحدى الأَيانِقُ
٢٢. وَما قُلتُ أَشعاري لَأَبغي بِها النَدى
وَلَكِنَّني في حِليَةِ الفَضلِ واثِقُ
٢٣. أَأَطلُبُ رِزقَ اللَهِ مِن عِندِ غَيرِهِ
وَأَستَرزِقُ الأَقوامَ وَاللَهُ رازِقُ