
When I bid her farewell, she said "My love, do you really deserve this separation, so grieve!"

وقائلة لما أردت وداعها

1. When I bid her farewell, she said "My love, do you really deserve this separation, so grieve!"
So Lord, let not what I heard be true,

١. وَقائِلَةٍ لَمّا أَرَدتُ وَداعَها
حَبيبي أَحَقّاً أَنتَ بِالبَينِ فاجِعي

2. For what reached my ears has disturbed my heart.
She stood weeping sadly behind the veil,

٢. فَيا رَبَّ لا يَصدُق حَديثٌ سَمِعتُهُ
لَقَد راعَ قَلبي ماجَرى في مَسامِعي

3. And parted it with her fingers between us.
She wept and showed me scattered pearls,

٣. وَقامَت وَراءَ السَترِ تَبكي حَزينَةً
وَقَد نَقَبَتهُ بَينَنا بِالأَصابِعِ

4. Falling and meeting the edges of her veil.
When she saw that separation was inevitable,

٤. بَكَت فَأَرَتني لُؤلُؤاً مُتَناثِراً
هَوى فَالتَقَتهُ في فُضولِ المَقانِعِ

5. And I was forced to it, not consenting,
She appeared - by God the sun was not like her,

٥. فَلَمّا رَأَت أَنّ الفِراقَ حَقيقَةٌ
وَأَنّي عَلَيهِ مُكرَهٌ غَيرُ طائِعِ

6. When its lights rise in the horizons.
She bid me farewell with a sign with her right hand,

٦. تَبَدَّت فَلا وَاللَهِ ما الشَمسُ مِثلَها
إِذا أَشرَقَت أَنوارُها في المَطالِعِ

7. And wiped the streams of tears with her left.
She kept weeping and I wept youthfully,

٧. تُسَلِّمُ بِاليُمنى عَلَيَّ إِشارَةً
وَتَمسَحُ بِاليُسرى مَجاري المَدامِعِ

8. Until we left the land of meadows.
That land will become, from our tears,

٨. وَما بَرِحَت تَبكي وَأَبكي صَبابَةً
إِلى أَن تَرَكنا الأَرضَ ذاتَ نَقائِعِ

9. Abundantly fertile, fresh verdant growth.

٩. سَتُصبِحُ تِلكَ الأَرضُ مِن عَبَراتِنا
كَثيرَةَ خِصبٍ رائِقِ النَبتِ رائِعِ