1. He visited while the people slept
So greetings to the full moon
١. زارَ وَالناسُ نِيامُ
فَعَلى البَدرِ السَلامُ
2. A visitor in whom there is shyness
And dignity and modesty
٢. زائِرٌ فيهِ حَياءٌ
وَوَقارٌ وَاِحتِشامُ
3. A visit he made obligatory for me
Out of love and yearning from him
٣. زَورَةٌ أَوجَبَها لي
مِنهُ وُدٌّ وَذِمامُ
4. I wonder was it a dream?
Excellent was that dream
٤. أَتُرى كانَت مَناماً
حَبَّذا ذاكَ المَنامُ
5. So I kissed the full moon in the darkness of night while he was complete
And I embraced the delicate branch, bent by kisses
٥. فَلَثَمتُ البَدرَ في جُن
حِ الدُجى وَهوَ تَمامُ
6. O you who blame me for him
Reproach for him was made good for me
٦. وَاِعتَنَقتُ الغُصنَ رَيّا
نَ تُثَنّيهِ المُدامُ
7. Indeed, he who has a beloved like my beloved is not to be blamed
٧. أَيُّها اللائِمُ فيهِ
طابَ لي فيهِ المَلامُ
٨. إِنَّ مَن كانَ لَهُ مِث
لُ حَبيبي لا يُلامُ